One moment they have your back, they give you love and a feeling of self- gratitude, you can walk on water. You can fly with their support. "I'm your best friend. I'll never leave your side!"
Blah blah blah.
Im sick of these lies, I'm sick of these games.
What did I ever do to deserve this abuse?!
First my parents dumped me out of the house like shit in a wheelbarrow, now my friends too?!
Im done.
My best friend, Katie, threatened a restraining order against me for talking to her boyfriend, who just so happens to be a friend of mine.
My best friend cheryl would kick me, yell at me, and start drama.
My crush/friend has been avoiding me relentlessly, the fucking player.
Im sick of this bullshit!
I almost lost my stepdad as well as my bio mom this year...
What did I do?
Thanks for listening to my rant. Im gonna go before i break my phone from water in my eyes.