Chapter 7

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Chapter 7.

"Settle down little cows!" Mikaela's warm voice calmed all the contestants down in a second. Not. She was giving us her evil eye, with her expertly plucked eyebrows arched. We were in the music room yet again for updates and news.

Surprisingly, it felt quite empty today. I looked around the room, counting the number of heads. There were seven left. I knew the other competitors were all puzzled as well. Willa raised her hand and asked,"Why are there so little left?"

"Let's say.. They were boring." Dani, Mikaela's faithful servant, sneered. Then, her attitude changed a hundred and eighty degrees. She smiled warmly at us and announced in her big booming voice,"We have a surprise for you!" Then, she stepped to one side, presenting seven quite-hot guys. They looked to be around our age. "Okay, one will be assigned to you. Do whatever you want to do with them to win over your targets. First, let's watch the video!" She ran to the light switch and the room turned dark.

The video was our "progress report" on how we were going. They would play each short clip from the losing person to the winning girl. I yawned, awaiting to see my face appear first on the screen- I didn't even bother chasing him anymore, what else could happen? Shockingly, my face didn't appear first. Or second. Or third. I was the third out of seven of the competitors! Why? Even Willa was after me at fourth place! When she saw our standings, she glared at me with so much anger. If looks could kill, she must've already dropped a nuclear bomb on me. 

After the video, the lights were switched on again, and Mikaela was at the mike spouting nonsense. "Okay! Now, your "boy" will pick you!" She gestured to the seven cute-slash-hot boys that were standing there causing all of us to melt into puddles. I groaned inwardly and gave myself a one-over in the full length mirror at one side. I was wearing my tie-dyed shirt with my faded denim jacket and yellow and red sneakers. My hair was left down in its natural waves and I had worn a band over my forehead. I hadn't bothered with much make-up, only a clear lipgloss. Why would any of those.. Those hot boys pick me? I pitied the unlucky one that had to end up with me. 

I just stared into space while waiting and waiting. It felt like years, although it was about two minutes before a boy came up to me. I closed my eyes tightly, not wanting to see his face scrunched up in disgust at me.

"Hi! I'm your 'boy', the name's Randy!" I heard his deep, husky voice talking to me. I unwillingly opened my eyes and unclenched my fists, surprised to see him smiling widely at me. He had brown hair that was gelled up neatly and his piercing green eyes struck me. He looked like an angel. Even though I had only met him for a couple of minutes, I was already falling head over heels in love with him- Both his character and looks.  

"Hi, I'm Emerald" I smiled wryly at him as he gave me his cell phone number for me to call him to discuss our "date". I smiled shyly at him and starting bombing him with random questions. Normal guys would've been pissed and annoyed, but he wasn't/

After my intense interrogation, I decided to snatch his schedule at see what classes we had together.Turns our, Mikaela had worked her magic and made sure we had the same schedules and all that. He was like my stalker. A damn cute one. Maybe even cute than Blake. That thought entered my head and I mentally punched myself. When did I think that Blake was cute? Was I sick? 

The Boyfriend Games (slowly editing; grammar issues)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora