// haha 69 //
this chapter is wILD are you ready
georgipopmycherry renamed the chat "lol chris and phichit gonna make out on stage hA and jj ⛸"
ra-ra-rasputin; wOw georgi how creative
itsjjstyle; but now the chat name is too loNG
georgipopmycherry; hey jean-jacques
itsjjstyle; what?
georgipopmycherry; stfu
itsjjstyle; uGH
katsudon💗; HEY BOY STOP
ra-ra-rasputin; pACING ROUND THE ROOM
ra-ra-rasputin; AS A MIRROR FOR YOU
plitsetskyy; what in the fuck is this
ra-ra-rasputin; yuuri forced me to listen to the 1975
katsudon💗; hell yeah !!
phichachu; same here victor
phichachu; i am eTERNALLY GRATEFUL
phichachu; oh and hey victor ??
ra-ra-rasputin; yep yep ??
phichachu; i like the short hair
ra-ra-rasputin; oh really ?? thank you phichit
phichachu; it looks coool
emilcocacola; yeah i like it too victor
hickeycrispino; same here
hickeycrispino; but why did you cut it ??
phichachu; ??
ra-ra-rasputin; i
ra-ra-rasputin; i sort of wanted a change
icequeen; victor you want to talbot priv ??
ra-ra-rasputin; nah it's ok
emilcocacola; m'kay
hickeycrispino; um what was that ??
icequeen; aw look at emickey bonding together
georgipopmycherry; yeet
itsjjstyle; yeet?
georgipopmycherry; you got a problem bitch ??
itsjjstyle; just with the fact your hot af girlfriend anya is kinda tainted because you have kissed her before
georgipopmycherry; go away jj
georgipopmycherry; no one even wants you around
itsjjstyle; um ?? your girlfriend sounded like she did when she was moaning my name ?? in the back of my car ??
icequeen; OH
phichachu; SHIT
georgipopmycherry; you are such an asshole jesus christ
ra-ra-rasputin; jesus *christophe
icequeen; seriously ?
itsjjstyle; if you say so
leoamericano; which i do
itsjjstyle; well at least i don't spread rumours about my ex having heroes around the school
emilcocacola; ahahA shit
icequeen; oh i remember that one georgi
phichachu; not your proudest moment i must say
georgipopmycherry; excuse me
georgipopmycherry; at least i don't go round fucking other peoples' girlfriends jj
icequeen; the sALT
phichachu; the sODIUM CHLORIDE
icequeen; shit we've got a chemistry test on monday haven't we
icequeen; goddamnit life
katsudon💗; um victor ?
ra-ra-rasputin; yeah ?
katsudon💗; can
katsudon💗; can we talk on private please ?? it's important
ra-ra-rasputin; um...sure ok
ra-ra-rasputin; are you alright yuuri ??
icequeen; shit
icequeen; you've knocked him up
phichachu; um chris
icequeen; NICE 👏🏻 GOING 👏🏻 NIKIFOROV 👏🏻
phichachu; chris