Chapter 1

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Today is the day of my aptitude test. I won't lie, I'm pretty nervous, after all, I want to be in dauntless. But what if the test tells me otherwise? What if it tells me I belong in candor, my current faction? I was dragged out of my thoughts when Peter, one of my friends, was talking, no, yelling at the stiffs. "So you guys are taking food and giving it to the factionless, huh?" Most of them either mumble or nod their heads, staring at the floor. Some do nothing. "I can tell you're lying, you're taking it and feeding yourselves, you selfish idiots." Then he walks away and laughs at them along with Molly and Drew, his friends. More like his lackeys. They do whatever Peter tells them to, without even second guessing.

About 10 minutes later someone calls, 'Albert Madsen' and I shudder at the sound of my full name. It took me a few seconds to realize it was time for my test. My test. The test that tells me where I'm meant to be. Here goes nothing...

A/N: So how was that? I think it's quite alright. Let me know how I did and also tell me which faction (or factions) our boy Al should be in. (I don't know why I though amity lol)

Don't do stoner bread by amity

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