"It's him," I squealed in disbelief. How is it that I'm standing right next to the actual Doctor and staring at the false Doctor in a city on a different continent. "Do you think they'll notice the look-a-like in the room?"
"Who'd that be?" He glanced over at me and suddenly got what I was saying. "Oh, right. I'm the doppelgänger. And to answer your question, yes, they might notice unless you change my hair."
"Me? Why should I change your hair? You have two hands! Use them," arguing with this man seemed to be what kept us going.
"Just do it," he whispered urgently while lowering himself for me to reach his head. I quickly ruffled his hair and tangled my fingers in his long brown locks. "That should do it."
I only swept his hair back and away from his face, but it sorta just went back to where it usually was. "No. You wanted my help, now you're getting it," I insisted.
"Hello," a man interrupted. "Our security guy says that it's your one year anniversary."
The Doctor and I both looked up quickly and came face to face with, well, the Doctor's clone: Matt Smith. Just as the Doctor left me speechless with a new appearance, the very presence of the actor had the same effect on me.
"That's not possible," the Doctor muttered under his breath so only I could hear.
The words "DNA sample" bounced around in my head like an aching an haunting echo. "Why, hello Matt Smith. I'm a huge fan," I shook his hand then went in for a hug.
"A big enough fan to date a bloke who looks almost exactly like you. She's a mad one, aren't you darling," the Doctor added while I pulled a hair from his head.
"Oh you sure are friendly," Matt coughed a bit uncomfortable with my friendly manner.
"Oh sorry. That's how I got this one to fall for me," I nudged the Doctor and linked my arms around his torso. I reached for his jacket pocket where he kept a plastic bag for some apparent reason. "Love him to death."
"So how did you two meet," Matt seemed more intrigued about the two of us.
I looked at the Doctor who was just as nervous as I was, lying to a professional liar. Then again, the Doctor is a genius. "I remember the day we first met. I remember it like it was yesterday," he gazed off to the distance for dramatically effect. How clever; we did only meet yesterday.
"Oh stop it," I smacked his side to signal that I was done. I sneakily stuck the bag back into his pocket and focused back on Matt.
"You two seem to enjoy each other," the actor smiled widely at us. "Perfect for each other, almost."
"Well, this bloke makes me happy," I had no idea what I was saying but it was pretty much natural.
"How about a kiss from the lovely couple," the security guard from earlier walked in. Did he just leave his station? This is bad. Maybe they suspect something.
Oh no!
"What do you say love? A nice peck on the cheek," the Doctor wasn't giving this up. He probably didn't notice.
"Um..." I looked around and found my redemption. "I think you should go check on the car while I go to the loo."
Please Doctor.
"Oh you two are so shy. All we ask for is a kiss," Barry urged. "Just a simple kiss."
I'd already snuck off to the bathroom without checking if it was a public one or not. That's when I saw the strangest thing. It was like they wanted the public to see it.
"Oh this is just too easy," I whispered to myself sounding like the Doctor. I picked at the blue scale that was stuck underneath the bottle of hand soap. It took me ages to get it off until it came off and went down the drain. "Nooo!"
Knock, knock, knock, knock.
I jumped, almost frightened about the outside noise. "Darling, the car's out front for us."
"I'll be right out John," I huffed very disappointed in myself. I flushed the toilet even though I didn't do anything but snoop around. I noticed as I looked in the mirror something white and goopy behind me. I turned around, grabbed some toilet paper and wiped off what I could on it. I folded it up nice and neat so none of it would come out. "Okay. I'm out." I clumsily closed the door behind me. I was too ashamed to look at the Doctor.
"Did you find anything," he whispered.
"Yes, but it had a plan of its own. Luckily, I found something else that might catch your attention." He'd taken my hand and quickly made it past the cast and crew. They hadn't even noticed us missing. To my surprise, he did pull up a car out front. "Did you hot wire a car?"
"No! No, I soniced a stolen car," he slashed his screwdriver at me with its green light. "Aren't I brilliant?"
"Depends. Do you know how to drive," I asked sceptically.
He smiled with the most ridiculous grin that was later replaced with a serious expression. "No, but it shouldn't be that different from my TARDIS, right?" He was completely hopeless.
"Get in," I pushed him into the driver's side. "Now drive."
"Don't play dumb with me Doctor. You are clever, so hit the gas," I ordered as I noticed security coming toward us.
"Your wish is my command." It took a total of ten seconds for the time lord to get a hang of driving in the streets of London. It was quite remarkable how real he was. "I'm expecting an apology." We stopped at a crosswalk where he'd finally get the chance to use the brakes.
"For what," I sounded more insulted then I should face.
"You called me dumb when I am most certainly clever and smarter than the average human."
"Me being the average human," now I was feeling insulted. He remained silent and waited for my apology. "Oh fine! Doctor, I'm ever so sorry that I called you dumb. There, happy?"
"Ecstatic," he pulled into the alley where the TARDIS was hidden. "Ready to go back home?"
"I can't think of a worse place to go," I mumbled shutting the car door behind me.
"What are you talking about," he unlocked the blue door and let me in first. He's such a gentleman.
"There's still so much to see, people to meet, places to go, a life to love, food to eat, and I'm trapped in a condo back in the states."
"You're not saying this because I can travel anywhere, are you," he asked leaning against the life of his time machine.
He turned from my view and threw his jacket off. He began to pull at random levers and push strange buttons. I grabbed a hold of whatever I could and waited until we landed. I knew where we were going, but I couldn't help but wonder what it'd be like to be the Doctor's companion. There was a quick shaking of the ground beneath us to show that we landed.
"I should probably go," I sighed as I took the sweater and beanie off.
"What makes you think in getting rid of you," he started of with a serious tone and expression that was soon replaced with his award winning smile and bright charisma. I stared at him in disbelief. "I still have a couple of things to figure out, you being one of them. I was hoping that you'd let me..."
"Of course you can stay," now was the perfect time to hug him. I mean, I've seen Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy and Rory, and Clara do it. Might as well take advantage if the moment. He was taken by surprise at first once I'd wrapped my arms around him, but he gave in. "Oh wait," I didn't entirely pull away but it was enough for me to pull out the toilet paper from my pocket. "Here."
"I think we've had enough intimacy in one day, don't you think?"
I giggled and pulled away to look into his emerald eyes. "How about some fish fingers?"
"You wouldn't have custard to go with that, would you?"
"For you Doctor, anything."
The Doctor's Companion (c) 2014

The Doctor's Companion
FanfictionThis electrical current was more than just mutual attraction. It's the sign of life. It's the sign of a new beginning.