Chapter 15

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"Ravi sit down please!" Pansy called, as Ravi jumped off of the table and landed on a cushion that she conjured to catch him.

"No! This is too much fun!" he responded as he climbed back onto the table and jumped again.

"Next time I'm not going to catch you!" She threatened desperately. 'Where the hell is Hermione!?' she thought to herself as she conjured another cushion to catch him.

Ravi stood atop the table once more, preparing to jump. "This has gone on for far too long!" Pansy shouted, startling the little boy before her. She lowered her voice to a threatening hiss and leaned into his ear. "If you do not sit down right this very minute, I swear to God, I. Will. Tell. Hermione."

His eyes went wide with fear and he clambered off of the table and into the nearest seat, picking up his abandoned book.

'That's more like it,' Pansy thought as she sat back down to work on the itinerary for Mr. Malfoy's funeral.

A few minutes later, she glanced over at Ravi who was trying to fight an inevitable nap. She chuckled to herself before putting down her quill and gathering him into her arms where he fell asleep almost instantly.

"Pansy I found it!" Hermione came running into her office, with Teddy hot on her heels. Each of them were carrying a towering stack of books and wearing identical grins.

"Shh! Hermione!" Pansy whispered furiously. "I just got Ravi to go to sleep. When is his mother coming to collect him by the way?"

Hermione checked her watch. "It's half one now. Padma said she'd be here at 2:00." She walked further into the room and set her books on her desk. "Here. Lay him on this." She waved her wand and one of the chairs in her office turned into a cot.

"What did you find Hermione?" Pansy asked, laying Ravi down on the cot. "You've been gone so long I've forgotten why you left in the first place."

Hermione scowled at her friend. "Teddy and I went into the old archives. He was looking for muggle children's stories for him and Ravi to read and I was looking for this."

She picked up the book on top of the stack and handed it to Pansy.

"Pureblood Rituals of the Eighteenth Century: A Guide to Weddings, Funerals and More? Where did you get this? My family had our copy confiscated."

Hermione snatched the book back. "I told you. From the ministry archives." She sat down behind her desk and opened the book. "Have you accomplished anything since I left?"

"Yes Ms. Granger," Pansy said sarcastically. "I actually only had a few things left on your insanely long and detailed to do list."

The two witches sat and finalized their plans while Teddy read Beauty and the Beast. Padma came to pick up Ravi a short while later and Pansy left when she did. Teddy was napping when Ginny came around 5:00, looking exhausted.

"Hey 'Mione," Ginny said, sinking into the chair across from Hermione's desk after kissing Teddy's forehead.

"Gin you look awful!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Gee, thanks," Ginny replied dryly.

"Sorry. You know what I mean though. Have you had any rest?"

"Short answer, no. I took Harry to Godric's Hollow last night and that seemed to cheer him up about Andromeda a bit." She paused, deciding how mad Harry would be if she divulged their secret to Hermione. "We visited where his parents' home used to be and while we were there we started talking about how Grimmauld Place really isn't that great a place to raise a family so..."

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