I quickly swam to the surface and screamed for help from joe and Ethan to come help me.
"How heavy is the rock?" Joe yelled as he jumped in.
"It's like 50 pounds and Kaylee isn't responding anymore." I said as I dove down and they followed behind me.
We all went to the rock and pushed as hard as we could. After trying about 2 times the sand gave away and the rock rolled off of Kaylee. I grabbed her and pulled her up into the surface, then I went and sat her down on the floor of the boat.
"Kaylee!" Her mom yelled at she ran over to her and began shaking her back and forth.
No response.
"She's so blue!" Ethan said in shock.
"Oh god this is all my fault, I pushed her off the boat." I said as tears formed in my eyes. I pushed them back quickly.
"Okay quickly, pound her chest 26 times with 2 second intervals while I tilt her head back. Once she you hit 26 times begin giving mouth to mouth for about 5 seconds." Her dad said, he was a doctor so he was probably used to this.
I followed instructions as I began counting in my head.
"24, 25, 26, go!" Her dad yelled. Without thinking I began giving CPR.
"1,2,3,4,5." I counted in my head as I pulled away. Nothing happened.
Her dad pounded her chest one more time, twice as hard this time. Again no response.
Everything was dark. I never really liked the dark since it scared me as a child. Then in the distance I could hear somebody yelling. mom. Why was mom yelling? All of a sudden the memories began flooding back to my mind. The boat, falling into the water, the rock. Suddenly I felt a painful pound in my chest.
I quickly sat up and coughed up a good amount of water. I sat there confused as to what just happened. I looked around and saw everyone gathered around me with smiles of relief on their faces.
"Oh thank god!!" My mom said with a giant smile on her face and tears in her eyes.
I just came back to life. I was in shock and was extremely tired at the same time.
"Could we head back home?" I said to my dad once I was finished taking everything in.
He nodded his head and we began heading back. I felt bad for wasting the boats rental even though the rental lasted 48 hours. Everybody was silent, but it wasn't awkward. Just quiet.
Once we got home I went straight to bed. I was still in disbelief as to what happened. I decided to check my phone before heading to sleep.
3 UNREAD MESSAGES FROM: "DANIELLE 😭💕, Joe:), and Grayson Dolan."
I opened Danielle's first.
DANIELLE- omg spill immediately.
Oh I forgot to tell her what happened with Grayson.
KAYLEE- Yeah i'll call you and explain.
I called her and we talked for around 10 minutes while I explained what happened. Danielle being Danielle wanted to go yell at Grayson but I told her not to since I didn't want to be that girl. I then went and opened my other messages.
JOE- Glad you're okay. You really had us worried.
KAYLEE- i'm glad i'm okay too 💕
I still didn't really know what happened or how I came back to life. I decided to push the idea to the back of my mind.
I opened Grayson's last.
GRAYSON- you're sure you feel okay?
KAYLEE- yeah i'm fine.
He responded to my text immediately.
GRAYSON- Okay good, sorry about what happened at breakfast. I don't know what I was thinking
I began to feel bad about how I reacted but it was still wrong of him.
KAYLEE- don't worry about it I overreacted
GRAYSON- no you didn't
The question about how exactly I was saved popped back into my mind. I just wanted to know.
KAYLEE- hey um random question but do you know how exactly I was saved from drowning today, I just want to know.
GRAYSON- it was all your dad, he pounded on your chest a couple of times before giving you CPR. After one more pound on the chest you came back to life.
KAYLEE- okay thank you ❤️ That's what i assumed I just wanted to know.
It was exactly what I thought. I decided to turn the phone off and go to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
I decided to tell her it was her dad that gave her CPR. She never really gave me consent and I didn't know how she'd respond if I said it was me. Even if it was to save her life I promised myself would never go back to the past.
I would always give consent from now on. No matter what.

Love Hate Relationship
Romance"I hate you Grayson Dolan!" "Good because I hate you too."