o. Prologue

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( pre lightning thief )
❝ claire moore ❞


SHE SAT IN THE COLD, her teddy bear in one hand and her blanket in the other, pulled up against her freezing body. The six-year-old cried in the night, echoing against the narrow walls and garbage bins in the murky alleyway.

"Mommy." She stifled in between sobs. She had been crying out the same word for over two hours, but no one had come to her call.

The dark streets of Miami, Florida, surrounded the young girl like threatening shadows, readying to engulf her in their darkness. Her light blonde hair seemed ghostly grey and her puffy, red, blotchy face shaded in the night sky.

Her hands curled tighter around her pink blanket and teddy bear, and she cried harder when a cold wind hit her, biting against her skin under her thin jacket.

"Mommy?" She called again, but she was still receiving no answer.

The cold wind continued, and the six-year-old shivered beside the yellow bin. People walked past in the main street, cars, buses and taxis crowded the road. Not one gave a sideways glance into the alleyway, no one heard, or cared to listen to the girl's cries.

Except for one.

He was handsome. He was the kind of man that girls would swoon over and fall to their knees to worship him.

At least that was what he believed.

He watched from the side of the alley, his sun-bleached blonde hair giving off a warm light in the night. His whole body seemed to give off warmth like he was a walking heater or the sun. He slowly approached the six-year-old, who looked up at the footsteps.

She watched him with wide, hazel eyes. The man crouched down before her, giving a small, warm smile.

"Are you lost, little one?" He asked, and the girl nodded, sniffing.

"Where's Mommy?" She asked, and the man pursed his lips, and carefully placed a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Mommy has friends that will come and pick you up in the morning." He said hesitantly.

"Really?" Her voice was hopeful and slightly excited.

The man nodded. "Yes."

"Will they have cookies?"

He grinned. "Mountains upon mountains, plus dinosaur pasta."

A toothy smile appeared on the little girl's face, her tears stopping. "Dinosaur pasta?" She asked excitedly.

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