Under the grey sky

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I was walking down the street,
enchanted by the crystal rain...
the air seemed to be the same of years ago,
do you remember?
It has been such a long time since that day.
Time erases memories,
but our past is written with blood,
neither the rain can wash it away...
Do you remember?
So many years passed,
so many suns rose and died,
and then, on the other side of the road,
I saw you,
all dressed in black,
crossing the street like you couldn't feel the rain...
When our eyes met,
a spark of life prevailed on such morbidity,
and my heart, the heart wich always bled,
finally found heal.
Like that day...
Do you remember?
When you showed me that life is much more than a path,
when you put your arms around me,
and shared your heat,
when you gave me your heart,
when you dried my tears, kissed me and told me two words:
"Te iubesc".
So many suns rose and died,
and now you are here,
in front of me like that day,
under the rain,
under the grey sky,
in the middle of a street;
the water flows but the stones are motionless...
so me and you,
under the rain,
under the grey sky,
like that day of many years ago...
Te iubesc.

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