chapter 15

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"Don't touch me don't look at me forget me,erase me from your memory."


"But nothing I thought you were the one but now I know you're just zero."

Stiles pov

"Stiles that was harsh."

"I know I hope she knows I didn't mean it."

"I know but you still said it."

"Scott I don't need to be scolded okay you heard what she said."

"Yeah and she was wrong I get it but after she was crying,a lot."

I stopped in the hallway and turned to him. "I made her cry." He nodded. "I don't want her crying,ever." Scott rolled his eyes. "Dude just tell her that you remember the last time she cried." I clenched my fists as I thought about the reason and the person who made her cry. Jackson.

"Now,now its my fault."

"You better go talk to her she's in the nurse's office."


"Oh she fainted or something evryone thought she was sleeping but-"I was running down the hallway towards the nurse's office beforhe even finsihed his sentence. I collided with Derek and fell back. "Are you okay?" I shook my head.

"Lydia,she needs me she fainted because of me." He sighed. "Just calm down she's in my classroom cone on." I followed him into the classroom and saw Lydia sitting at a desk in the back.

"Lyd,I'm so sorry." She shook her head.

"Its not your fault." She said putting up her head.

"Yes,yes it is I should have never said anything." She pushed me back from her.

"Get away from me,Stiles." Derek frowned stepping up to her"What's wrong why are you so afraid of him?"

She got up and got in my face."Your little stalker threatened me. He said "If he ever saw me touching you, kissing you,anything he was going to shin me alive and enjoy my screams."

She said shaking. "Sounds like Peter to me."Derek said with a smile. "This isn't a joke," I mumbled taking her hands but she recoiled from me. "He's crazy absolutely crazy Derek he woukd put my life in danger becasue of his little crush. " Derek's eyes flashed blue then stood that way. "Lydia stop talking right now." He said but it sounded like he growled.

"Why should I I'm not risking my life for soneone who won't even kiss me back I guess you must be gay."

"And why is that a bad thing?"Derek growled. I stepped in front of him. "Derek calm down."

"Its the only logical explaination why he doesn't want me."Derek rolled his eyes."There's other reasons." Okay this ends now. "I'm leaving." I said and walked toward the door. "Like what your stalker uncle. Stiles doesn't want him."

"He doesnt know what he wants."

"Hey guys!"

They both turned to look at me. "Stop fighting alright I don't want anyone." I felt arms wrap around my waist and I froze. "I'm not just anyone aren't I?" I tried to pull away from him but his grip was tight. "Anyone but you now get off me." Peter rolled his eyes. "Derek you were keeping him warm for me," He said and stepped toward Lydia. "Hey Strawberry what did I tell you keep away from him." She whimpered and stepped quickly away from him. "Peter he's not yours." Peter groaned and took my hand in his pratically crushing it. "That is for Stiles to decide." I tried to pull away from him but his grip was tight. He pulled me along with him and I could still see Derek's face. He looked like he was angry. Was he angry about Peter "kidnapping me" or something else?

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