Cake (Analogical)

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TW: Swearing and a makeout scene

edit 12/17/17 : so its 11:22pm at night and im rereading this and it just occurred to me that maybe i shouldn't say "tHere'Ll bE a mAkEoUt sCene" and then start the story with "Virgil was hungry"... 


Virgil was hungry. To be honest, he always was hungry. But there was nothing to eat. He was starving. Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration. He must've opened the fridge fifteen times, and every time, there was nothing. Well, there was food, but it wasn't good food. At least not to Virgil. Virgil opened the cuboards, nothing. Just ingredients to make food, and he was to tired to do that. Also, it kind of helped to know how to cook, and a bagel was the only thing Virgil knew how to make, and they didn't have any bagels. He sighed. His stomach was grumbling, and Patton was out so he couldn't ask Patton to make food. He opened the fridge again and saw a package at the back. Naturally, he took it out. It was... chocolate cake!?! Virgil loved chocolate cake, like seriously, he had an obsession. The package didn't say it was for anyone so he was going to eat it, come on, it was only a tiny slice. He took it out and engulfed it in three bites. That was good. He wasn't so hungry anymore. Unfortunately for Virgil, Logan had just walked up behind him. 

"Virgil?" Logan said, causing Virgil to turn around and wipe his mouth violently just in case of crumbs. " Yes pocket protector?" Virgil replied, probably turning a dark shade of red. Why hadn't he put on foundation today? That was a mistake. "Weren't we going to share that piece of cake?" Logan asked, seeing Virgil go red as a tomato when he realized his mistake.

"So how many pieces has everyone had? " Patton asked, everyone staring at the cake in front of them. There was only one piece left "I've had two pieces" Roman said, turning to look at Logan. "You've had two? I've had one." Logan said. "I've had only one as well, and I'm the chocolate cake lover here." Virgil put in. "I've had two, so that means you and Logan will share the last piece."  Virgil nodded and looked at Logan. Logan smiled. Virgil smiled unusually brightly at Logan. "I love you" Virgil said. "I love you too" Logan replied.

"Ooooops" Virgil said warily. Logan laughed. "It's okay Virgil, it just means that you don't get any  cake next time." Logan said, smirking. Virgil's expression changed to a look of horror. "Nooooooo!" Virgil cried out. "No? Well then, how else can we torture you? Hmm?" Logan asked. He was having way too much fun. "I don't know! But please don't ban me from chocolate cake!" Virgil pleaded, using his puppy eyes. Logan sighed. "Alright. I have a different form of torture." Logan smirked. He pinned Virgil on the ground and started tickling him. Virgil let out shrieks. "I'm I'm AH sorry!St-stop! I-I'm sorry!" Virgil shrieked, somehow still laughing. Logan was having too much fun. He continued to tickle him until Roman came out of his room because they were being so loud. "What in the heckity heck five abs and one peck is going on out here?" Roman said, drowned out by Virgil's constant screaming. He turned the corner and saw the two of them. Logan turned and let go of Virgil. "Oh, hey Roman." Logan said, standing up. Virgil was still recovering breath when he got an evil look on his face. He tip-toed behind Logan, attacking him with tickles. Now it was Logan's turn to shriek. "God, you're deafening." Virgil said, still tickling him. Logan suddenly felt a pair of lips touch his own. Logan soon gave in to the kiss, his muscles relaxing. "Get a room you two" Roman said walking out of the room. Virgil broke the kiss. "Fair?" Virgil asked, fixing Logan's hair. Logan nodded, "Almost. I believe I owe you a kiss now" Logan said, smiling. "I believe you are right." Virgil responded, leaning in to kiss Logan. Logan leaned in more and soon their lips collided. Virgil cupped Logan's face. Logan put his arms around Virgil's neck. Both their eyes were shut, enjoying the moment. Logan took a hand off of Virgil's neck to comb it through his hair. "You're so hot when you do that" Virgil mumbled on top of Logan's lips. "Thanks" Logan mumbled back. After what seemed like an eternity, the kiss broke away. They were still on the floor, Logan lying down and Virgil straddling his stomach. Virgil put Logan's glasses back on, they had fallen off during the tickling. Logan smiled. "I love you so fucking much." Virgil said, booping Logan's nose like a toddler. " I mean, I wouldn't put it like that, but I do love you very much Virgil." Logan said, looking up at the boy. "We should probably get up" Virgil said, chuckling a little bit. "I can't get up as long as you are sitting on me." Virgil smirked as he got up, pulling Logan up with one hand. 

A/N: this looks so short but tbh its eight hundred words like whaat

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