A/N: I lied. inspiration struck and I was just like fuck it I'm doin this shit.
As Rogue and Lucy make it to Fairy tail, Rogue just shadow travels under the doors and re-solidifies inside. When Lucy gets off him he puts his hands on his knees and tries to catch his breath. Lucy walks up to him worriedly, not knowing that the whole Fairy tail guild was watching their interaction, and asks, "RoRo, are you alright? Was I too heavy?"
Rogue looks at her with a somewhat upset look at what she just implied about herself and says, "Of course not. It wasn't you it was just that I had never had to shadow travel that fast before."
Lucy smiles sadly at him. Unlike Natsu and Happy he never thought she was heavy or fat. Rogue looks up at Lucy and sees her smiling sadly at him. He gets slightly worried so he get up and walks over to her and gives her a hug and a kiss on her forehead. Just then a certain pink haired dragon slayer comes back to reality and yells, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! GET AWAY FROM HER!!"
Both Lucy and Rogue look at each other with an 'oops' look and slowly turn, still in each other's embrace. Lucy speaks first as she detaches from Rogue and stands in front of him so they can't attack him, "Hey guys long time no see. We came here today to explain this situation and..." Before Lucy could finish Master came out with Gajeel, Laxus, and Mira and said, "Lucy, Rogue come up to my office I would like to speak to you."
Lucy and Rogue look at Gajeel and Laxus who nod to them that it's okay. Lucy grabs Rogue's hand and just as she was walking to the stairs, out of the corner of her eye she sees a flaming fist come towards Rogue. Her instincts kick in and when he gets close enough she lets go of Rogue's hand and jumps in front of him where she stops Natsu's punch and flames. As she continues to talk, she keeps gradually crushing every bone in his hand each time causing him to let out pained cries, "If you EVER try that shit again against him, I'll rip your face off then hot glue it to your ass. Do I make myself clear?" She doesn't get a response, "I said, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!" She finishes as she's breaking more of his hand.
Natsu nods so fast it looks like he's got whiplash. As soon as he nods Lucy chucks him behind her where he makes a Natsu-sized hole in the guild wall. Lucy grabs the shocked Rogue's hand and walks up the stairs to Masters office, with said man following behind them.
As soon as they all file into the office Gajeel and Laxus burst out laughing and high fiving Lucy as she smirks and says, "Well, what was I supposed to do just watch as my mate got punched in the face by my best friend because he doesn't know how to ask questions before just fighting someone?"
Master cleared his throat getting everyone's attention. They all turn and Lucy seeing his stoic face got a little scared that maybe she went a little overboard. "Lucy..." He starts, "WELCOME BACK MY CHILD. OH I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH." He said as he jumps off his desk and attacks her in a hug with his face shoved into her breasts.
Seeing this, Rogue had to fight back a growl that was bubbling up in his throat. When Master broke the hug he turned between Lucy and Rogue and then said, "Alright would you please explain how all this happened."
Time skip
After explaining everything, like how Frosch was supposed to die in a year and how they were both staying in their original guild's but moving in together in a house in Moca and how they were having twin girls and both were dragon slayers, Master started to speak, "Alright, I accept this considering the rest of the Sabertooth guild actually accepts it too. But what about Minerva I would have thought she would have thrown a fit."
Rogue spoke up first, "I plan on telling and threatening to leave Sabertooth if she doesn't accept Lucy."
Master gives a warm smile to Rogue as he says, "That is very noble of you Rogue. Not many men would leave a place they have been for most of their lives for a girl."
Rogue turns to Lucy and says, "That's the thing Master Makarov. To me, Lucy's not just a girl, she's everything to me, everything I'm not. I guess you could say she completes me."
Master smiles fondly at the 2 lovebirds in his office before Lucy all of a sudden remembers, "OH! Also, me and Rogue are the Prince and Princess of the Celestial Spirit World and future King and Queen. I'm telling you this because I trust you enough to keep this secret to only yourself. Laxus, Gajeel, and Sting know but that's it. I'm not sure if I'm going to tell my team besides Erza because they can't exactly keep their mouths shut all the time. But if people were to find out who we were and what we were going to be it would put a lot of people in danger."
Master nods in understanding. As he's about to say something else Mira suddenly speaks up, "You said the babies are dragon slayers right?"
"Based on your magic what type do you think besides shadow?"
Lucy responds with, "Hmm, I don't know I've never thought about it."
Rogue butts in, "Since both of our magic is based kind of on the night, maybe a dark dragon slayer, or night dragon slayer, maybe there's a moon element."
Lucy continues with excitement, "Oh! What about a galaxy dragon slayer, maybe a planet dragon slayer, even though this would kinda suck, maybe a celestial spirit dragon slayer."
Mira claps and squeals excitedly, "Ahh, I can't wait. Blonde haired red eyed babies Black haired brown eyed babies."
Lucy snorts and says, "That's the first thing Sting said when me and Rogue got together. Mira, you and Sting should get together and have him help get your ships together, see if he'll help you."
Mira pondered this for a minute before she said excitedly, "Oh. I could help Sabertooth members get together too! That's a great idea Lucy, I'll have to talk to him sometime."
Master looked at Lucy and asked, "So what Laxus and Gajeel said was true Sting wasn't a complete arrogant bastard."
Lucy looked at him and said, "I think it's somewhat of a façade because he acted like he did at the Games until he found out I was actually helping Rogue. Rogue said that he was always full of himself, even as a kid he was calling himself the Great Sting Eucliffe. Hehe I should call him the Great Walking Lamp Post."
At this Rogue lets out a few chuckles before he burst out laughing. Everyone looks at him weirdly because even if he's not as emotionless he never laughs. When Rogue comes up for air he chokes and Lucy has to pat him on the back while she says, "Don't get old yet I gotta raise these kids with somebody."
Rogue chuckles for the last time and stands up straight trying to catch his breath as he says, "I wouldn't just leave you with kids to raise. Plus that's kind of impossible if you die with me."
Master suddenly perks up and says, "Lucy, what do your spirits think of Rogue becoming the King?"
"They actually considered him a Prince before he became one he was the talk of the Celestial Realm since he was a non-celestial mage that actually considered spirits as people instead of just useful tools. So they became very fond of him. That's the real reason the Spirit King made us Prince and Princess."
Master nods and says, "Alright let's go explain all this to Fairy tail."
The guild erupts into murmurs and whispers before a red headed armor clad woman approaches the balcony and yells up, "How do we know Rogue really cares for Lucy?"
Master answers before either mages can protest, "From what I've observed they would both do anything for each other."
Before he can continue Mira adds, "Oh and if you look in the Sabertooth section of Sorcerer Weekly's latest magazine you'll see the proof."
Rogue and Lucy blush slightly before Lucy says, "Dammit, I really hope we don't have to do an interview."
Rogue nods in agreement, "My private business is private for a reason. We don't need a God damn gossip magazine breathing down our necks when we have lives."
Mira says with a saddened tone, "Yeah but they're never gonna leave you alone until they get the interview."
Rogue and Lucy let out a frustrated sigh as they both pinch the bridge of their noses. At this Laxus chuckles and says, "They have a lot of differences but also a lot in common."
Lucy responds quickly with, "Yes like we both have annoying and idiotic best friends that irk us to no end but then we think that a life without them would be pretty boring."
Master Makarov grins at his children and thinks, 'Rogue's gonna fit in just fine here. He cares about family just like everyone else. Be it for him if the person is on a personal level with him he still cares.'
Just then a certain fire dragon slayer finally got himself dislodged from the wall and said, "Rogue fight me!!"
Rogue sighs, turns into his shadow form and comes up from behind Natsu, where he solidifies, and before Natsu has too much time to smell him he knocks him over the head with his fist, effectively knocking him out.
Lucy bursts out laughing while she says, "Good one RoRo. That kind of reminded me of something Erza would do."
Said mage creates a dark aura around her as she says, "What was that Lucy."
Lucy squeaks out a high pitched, "Nothing!"
Rogue sighs and says, "Hey LuLu, we should probably head home you've been through a lot of stress today and you need sleep to stay healthy for the babies."
"Yes mom."
"Tch. I'm just stating the facts. I don't want to leave either. Fairy tail's a lot more fun than I thought it would be but I don't want you to pass out. Remember what Gemini-Wendy said? Passing out isn't good for the girls."
All the girls 'Awwww~' at how much Rogue worries about Lucy. Causing said male to blush slightly and say, "Come on you can sleep on the train in my lap, and then I'll carry you home."
This just causes the women to 'AWWWWWWW~' even louder.
Lucy tries to stifle her giggles at how red Rogue's face is. She walks down the stairs and up to Rogue and grabs his hand, then starts walking out of the guild to head to the train station.
As the 2 mages leave Fairy tail, mostly the girls, talk about how adorable Rogue and Lucy look together and how they didn't expect him to be like that.
Rogue and Lucy finish their nightly routine and get in bed together and hold each other close before letting the land of dreams take over them.
A/N: The next chapter I'm skipping to the day of the interview.