Chapter 1

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Title: Death Becomes Him

Author: Wereleopard58

Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo

NCIS/Highlander crossover

Spoilers: All of NCIS and Highlander

Summary: Ziva and McGee turned off the radio (Dead Air) not expecting anything to happen. Tony ends up being stabbed and dies but it doesn't take and he comes back to life. He finds out he's not the only immortal at NCIS and how does his life change after this revelation.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with NCIS or Highlander. I am not making anything from this. I am just doing this for fun

Feedback is always welcome.

A/N I've been writing this on and off for a while. I just want to see if people like it and would like to read more. I've also changed the timeline a little. I am sorry about not replying to reviews but I am barely able to write at the moment. I have just a few bits to do on the last chapter of 'Inside a Broken Man' and the next chapter of 'First Indications of Tony 'doormat' DiNozzo.' They hopefully will be posted soon.


Ziva turned to McGee and smiled. "It is quiet, is it not?"

"Yes, it's great." McGee looked up from his PDA. He'd used this time to catch up on emails he needed to reply to that concerned his current novel and quickly jotted down some notes on this situation. It would be about how annoying Tommy was and how the others could do the job better. It was much easier to do without Tony's voice as he yammered on. "Shouldn't we turn it back on now?" He indicated to the lifeless radio.

"No, not yet. I want to finish this crossword puzzle." With that, her attention was drawn to the paper that was on her lap.


Tony frowned as he heard a noise, it sounded like metal hitting metal. It was definitely out of place

"Ziva, McGee." He whispered as he headed towards where the sound came from and poked his head around the corner. Two people were fighting with swords. The man was a lot larger than the woman and had more power behind his strikes. "I need back up now. I'm on the corner of Housen and Monroe."


Amanda froze as the stranger seemed to come to her rescue, not that she needed it. Her opponent appeared to be all brawn and no brains. Power was the only thing he had in his arsenal; men like him were easy to take out. They had too much confidence in their strength and never even tried to learn any skills. Then the young man came was in front of her and everything happened so fast, she couldn't seem to be able to get to him in time as her opponent turned and stabbed this man with a saviour complex through the chest.

"This isn't over Amanda. I'll be back for your head, I promise you."

"Of course you will be darling." She muttered as he ran away. She reached the stranger's side and fell to her knees. There was a slightly familiar buzz from him, so she pulled his head into her lap and held on as he took his last shuddering breaths. The blood spread, his once white shirt covered in red blood. "I am so sorry for all of this." All she had to do was to wait for it to happen. His upper body suddenly shot up into a sitting position and took deep gulping breaths. His face was pale as he scrambled to his feet in shock. "Who are you?" Her voice was soft as not to scare him any more than he already was.

"Tony." He muttered and paled even more as he stared down at his shirt. He gripped hold of it and ripped it open. The button scattered all over. He ran a hand up and down his chest trying to find the wound. He ripped off the electronic device that had been strapped to his chest and stared at the, now broken device. "Oh God, McGee and Ziva, what way did he go."

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