Chapter 5

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A/N for those who read my stories in other fandoms. I have just started a Sterek group called Sterek World and it's on Facebook. I'd love to see you there.


"Oh sweetheart, you're just a baby. Joe should've told me. Come on, we have people we need to talk to." Amanda took Ellie's arm and then grabbed his cell with the other so she could talk to Tony.


Gibbs stood next to Tony as the younger man looked out of his back door.

"How are things going? I mean with the training."

"I hurt, but Adam's a great teacher. It helps that we get on so well." Tony turned and stared into those crystal blue ones he loved so much.

The two men leaned towards each other, Gibbs' eyes dropped to that mouth he'd had so many fantasies about. Just as their lips were about to touch Tony's cell came to life, and made the two men jump apart.

"Great," Gibbs muttered.

"Yes." Tony snapped as soon as he answered, why hadn't he turned it off, or put it on silent. They weren't at work, so never be unreachable didn't count. "Sorry Amanda, wait, who is following you? Gibbs is with me, we'll come to your hotel room, and you can call Adam. We'll see you soon." He put the cell in his pocket and felt the urge to talk about what nearly happened. "Gibbs–."

"We'd better go."

"Yeah." Did Gibbs actually want him or just something that happened at that moment in time? Had things changed because he was now immortal and was less likely to be killed? He couldn't just ask Gibbs about these things. How the hell did he bring it up, it's not exactly a casual topic of conversation.


Tony and Gibbs walked into the very opulent hotel room.

"I like my luxuries," Amanda smirked knowing exactly what they were thinking, by the looks on their faces. "This young lady is Eleanor Bishop, also known as Ellie. Would you please explain who you work for and why you were following moi?"

"I work for the NSA..."

"Why–." Gibbs started to ask.

"And?" Amanda prompted.

"I'm also a Watcher."

"Okay, I understand why a Watcher would follow Amanda, but I am guessing there is more to it, right?" Tony was still a newbie, but he told about those who chronical the lives of immortals, but never get involved.

"I'm not officially a proper Watcher yes. I'm still training, but my intelligence and the way my mind works the NSA wanted me. I was being set up there to help Watchers in the future."

"A baby watcher trying to follow me."

"It would've been more embarrassing if you hadn't noticed her."

"Adam." She warned that man was so quiet, at times she forgot he was there.

"Let's focus shall we." Gibbs sighed, how come the people he worked with tended to act like children.

"I was looking into Mossad links. I was studying Michael Rivkin. There were a few phone calls between him and his director. He isn't just an assassin for Director David; he's also an immortal who has just arrived in town."

"Do you think this has anything to do with Ziva? Does she know about immortals as well?" Tony queried.

"I don't know, Ellie, is it alright if I call you that?" Gibbs waited for her to nod. "You keep an eye on Rivkin. We need to know why he's here. If, and I mean if you have to follow him keep a distance and call us. We'll get there ASAP and take over. I'll give you some pointers before you head out."

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