Amber's POV
I dropped the gun as I watched the bullet miss him, and go into the wall.
"Huh. Seems like you missed little sister." He snarled.
"Amber watch out!" I ducked to see a bullet go right pass me and into my half brother. I watched in horror as his body fell limp and he dropped to the floor.
I ran towards where Cody was, dropping to my knees
"Cody no! Please don't leave me. You can't! I need you!" I cried into his chest.
"Excuse me miss." I heard a paramedic say leaning down also.
"No! He can't leave me!" I cried harder holding onto Cody. I felt myself being pulled into someone's body. I looked up to see Chris.
"He can't be dead Chris. He just can't be. I don't know what I would do." I cried into his chest. "He can't be dead. He has to stay. He can't be gone Chris, tell me he's not gone."
"Shh Amber." He said rubbing circles on my back. "He'll be okay. He's strong."
"I hope you're right."
I watched as the paramedics placed him on the stretcher thing and placed him in the ambulance.
I went to go sit in the ambulance, but was blocked by another paramedic.
"Sorry miss. He's in critical condition. You need to get your arm checked out too." He told me, I nodded wiping my tears, following him into the ambulance. Chris following.
"We'll meet you at the hospital!" Kat called after us. I got buckled up as the paramedic began to work on my arm.
I screamed in pain as he put the peroxide on my bullet wound.
"It's okay Amber. The pain will go away." Chris reassured me.
It's not just that, what if Cody dies? I couldn't live if Cody died. Knowing it was all my fault.
He was trying to protect me, which caused him to get hurt. If he dies everything will be gone.
Cody's family would be devastated. Think of his fans. They would be heart broken. He's their idol. Some of them, he's their saviour.
Cody stay strong. You have to. For the sake of your family, friends fans and me. Please stay strong.
I sat in the waiting area. Cody's been in surgery for almost 4 hours now.
They say he should make it, but there's a possibility that he may not.
You gotta make it Cody.
"Amber?" I looked up to see Riley, he held two coffee cups in his hand from Starbucks.
"Hey Riley." I spoke taking the cup from his hand. My voice sounded horrible. It was from all my crying.
I smelt the hot chocolate radiating from the cup. It smelt amazing.
"He's gonna be okay Amber. Cody's strong. And you know it." He said taking a seat beside me. He wrapped his arm around me pulling me into a side hug.
"But the doctors said theirs a 10% chance he might not make it! What if he doesn't? Riley I don't know what I would do without him." I said as tears began to brim my eyes again.
"Don't think like that Amy. There's that 90% chance he will make it. And you know he's gonna make it. You have to believe in him." Riley told me.
"Yeah I guess. But it's still terrifying you know?"
"Yeah I know. But you have to be optimistic Amber. Always be optimistic and things will work out. Whether it's now or later, it will all work out." I nodded taking a sip of my hot chocolate.
"Thanks Ry. This hot chocolate is amazing! How'd you get them to make it this good?"
"It's actually not from Starbucks. It's from a little coffee shop. They ran out of cups, so they had to borrow from Starbucks." He told me.
"Oh. We should go there more often."
"We should." We sat in silence. Not an awkward one, but a nice one.
"Is there an Amber here?" A doctor asked. I quickly stood up walking over to him.
"That's me." I told him.
"Please come with me. I need to talk to you." I gulped nodding following down the hallway.
Oh no. What could be wrong? Please don't tell me Cody's gone. He can't be.
"You're Cody's girlfriend correct?" I nodded. "Don't worry. He's alright. He's not dead." I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. "However, Cody's gonna need critical care. He's gonna need someone by his side at all times for about the next 3 weeks. He'll be released from here in about a week. Can I trust that you'll be there for him?" The doctor asked me.
I smiled small, "Of course. I'll do anything." The doctor smiled at me as he opened the door we were standing in front of.
"You may go see him. He's sleeping now, but he should wake up soon." I nodded as I slowly walked in, closing the door behind me.
There he was. His body covered by blankets, chords all over his body. A few scratches and bruises on his body. But they seemed to be fading.
I walked over to the side of his bed. Despite being seriously hurt, he looked flawless. His blonde hair was disheveled, some covering his eyes. I pushed it back, clearing his face.
I'm so glad he's okay. I'm so glad I didn't lose another person close to me. I don't know what I would of done.
I pulled up a chair, sitting on it and grabbing his hand. I kissed it before letting all the tears out.
I cried, and cried. Getting all the emotions out of my system. It was after visiting hours, so no one could walk in on us.
I cried into his hand. I needed his touch. He's my everything. He made me come out of my shell. I talked to him in such a short time.
He made me feel safe. He made
feel protected. He made me feel wanted. And most importantly, he made me feel loved.
He made me feel more loved then anyone else has. Even more then Kat and Chris.
I can confidently say, he's my saviour.
"I love you." I whispered. As tears began to fall from my eyes once again.
"I love you too." I heard that all far too familiar voice say. I looked up to see Cody's green eyes looking up at me. His smile bright, showing his teeth.
"Cody!" I cried, hugging him softly. Not wanting to hurt him.
"Don't cry little darling." He said bringing up his hand and wiping my tears.
"I can't help it!" I said as I wiped my tears also.
"Come here." He said as he slowly pulled my face down to his, kissing me softly. He pulled away, smiling up at me, which I returned. "I missed you so much." He whispered.
"I missed you too." I whispered back, before he pulled me into another kiss.
Oh how I missed him.