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So far I've been really well with doing interviews and surprisingly I was never nervous like I was before. Today was Thursday and that means tomorrow I'm going to have dinner with that brat that I started to have deep feelings for. I mean yeah sure we met a few days ago and he asked me to be his boyfriend like a few days ago, but I've started to get deep feelings for him. I had just finished a new interview and started walking to my car. My arm was than pulled and I was met by a pair of lips. I was surprised and checked who it was, I was expecting it to be Eren but instead it was the man I had just interviewed. I quickly pushed myself from his grasp and walked backwards.

"What the hell?!"

"Aww come on don't tell me you didn't enjoy that just now."

He walked towards me as I kept backing away.

"Let's have some fun."

"Stay the hell away from me."

He kept walking towards me and I took out my car keys pressing the unlock button and running towards my car, I was so close but not close enough to escaping. He grabbed my mouth and pulled me to an alley as I was kicking trying to escape his reach. He threw me to floor pinning my arms onto the ground and kissing me forcefully. I kept on squirming until he pulled both of my hands together onto my back flipping me so that my stomach layed on the ground. He started to take off my pants and I started screaming.


He grabbed my mouth again and slipping two fingers inside my entrance, I squirmed at the uncomfortable feeling.


His fingers then exited my entrance but they were taken out with force. I layed on the ground trying to take off the tie he placed on my hands. (Forgot to add that part, oops) I heard some loud thuds as if they were punches and looked behind me. I saw Eren punching the man and shouting.


I sat there with wide eyes as Eren was beating the shit of the guy. I snapped out of my trance and yelled at Eren.

"Eren! It's ok he's had enough!"


"Eren! Eren! Eren stop!"

He finally stopped and looked at me, he then walked up to me and untied the tie from my hands. I got up and pulled my pants back up. I rubbed my wrists since they hurt a little. I looked back at Eren as he was still looking at the man with anger clenching his fists and gritting his teeth. I put my hand on his shoulder and he turned around.

"It's okay you saved me before he could do anything too serious."

"I know but he shouldn't have touched you like that."

"Don't worry."

I looked at the guy and realized that we could be in serious trouble if he woke up and saw our faces.

"We better leave now unless we'll be in a huge amount of trouble."

"Don't worry if he even tries to sue us I'll have a lot of help."

I checked my watch and saw the time.

"Well I better get back to work."

"Ok, we still on for tomorrow?"


I picked up my things and walked to my car until I turned around.

"Hey, how did you know where I was anyway?"

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