Wonderful Moments With Him

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4 weeks later, Vixy and Fredrick wanted to visit their family at Las Vegas for 2 months. So, they decided to let Chichi and Bonbon stay in the house together while they are gone

Vixy: Chichi, Fredrick and I decided that, You may not like it but, We will let Bonbon stay with you for 2 months while we're gone
Chichi: Oh, uh...really? Well...(scratching the back of her neck)...in that case, it's good for me
Vixy: Then, it's a deal!

In the following morning, the two were packing their stuffs as fast as they can in order not to be late in their flights

Vixy: Goodbye, Chi. I going to miss you
Chichi: I'm going to miss you too


(Opens the door)

Vixy: Oh! Fred! C'mon, we don't wanna be late
Fredrick: Of course. Oh and by the way, here's Bonbon
Bonbon: Hey, Babe. Goodluck with your trip
Vixy: I will... (they both kissed on the lips) bye...
Bonbon: Bye...
Fredrick: Bye Chichi... (they both kissed as well then hugged at each other) ...I'm going to miss you MISS Beautiful...
Chichi: So am I, Handsome. Bye, and have fun

The two cousins both wave at their love ones goodbye as they head off to the airport. Bonbon and Chichi both entered the house as well to get some breakfast

Chichi: Bon?
Bonbon: Yeah?
Chichi: Breakfast?
Bonbon: Don't mind if I do
Chichi: I made breakfast just for the two of us. It's my specialty
Bonbon: Wow! Sunny-side up with Sausages and Coffee. Thank you
Chichi: You're Welcome

Bonbon looked at his plate and he remembered the same placing of the food that Chichi made for him when they were together back then. But Bonbon tried to ingore it, trying to forget like he never seen it before

Chichi: Are..you okay?
Bonbon: Oh, I'm fine hehe (tries the food) (tasting the food)...It's very very delicious for my opinion. Well done, Chichi
Chichi: Thanks. I'm glad that you appreciate it......uhm, Bon?
Bon: Hmm?
Chichi: How's Vixy?...you know...
Bonbon: She's great actually. We had so much fun especially when going to places that we've never been before...How about Fredrick?
Chichi: Uhm, He's nice. He's so protective and loyal too. We've never been to different places, yet. But I'm pretty sure that I, and Fredrick, just the two of us, can go to famous destinations soon
Bonbon: Yeah...Are you..gonna eat that? Some flies wanted to eat your food
Chichi: Oh Yeah! Sorry...I just got distracted with our converstion
(They both giggled at the same time)


Chichi: C'mon, Bon. I'll take you upstairs
Bonbon: Right at ya'!

Chichi: Well, here we are
Bonbon: I love your room, Chi. It's really colorful
Chichi: Thanks...Here I have I cozy bed. It's 100% cotton so it's so soft, my desk, my computer, my cute Panda and-...
Bonbon: Hey, what's in here?

Bonbon was about to open Chichi's closet but she immediately blocked his way

Chichi: Nothing's, inside, this closet (hyperventilating)
Bonbon: O-kay? I will not open your closet
Chichi: Good...
Bonbon: So, where do I sleep?

Time skip to Night, Chichi was sleeping on her bed while Bonbon....is sleeping on the floor

Bonbon: This is so uncomfortable...urgh...urgh! (Rolling in his mat)
Chichi: Are you okay down there?
Bonbon: Not really
Chichi: C'mon up. Come share with me in bed
Bonbon: No! It's okay, Chichi. I'm fine
Chichi: Don't be so choosy. Just sleep beside me. If you want, I can make a wall using pillows
Bonbon: ...Well, Okay then
(He gets up and lie beside Chichi with a pillow wall in the middle)
Bonbon: Goodnight, Chichi
Chichi: Goodnight, Bon (Closes the lamp)

The two slept in the bed with a pillow wall between them last night, peacefully, but in the morning...

(Hugging with each other)

Chichi: Mmm....(opens her eyes)...Aaaahhhh!!!!
Bonbon: Aaaahhhh!!!!
Chichi: (stands up) I-I-I have to g-go now. Want some breakfast?
Bonbon: Yea-...
Chichi: Good!! I have to go first to the bed..I mean BATHROOM!!! BYE!! (rushes and slams the door)
Bonbon: O-kay?... (Scratched his head in confusion) (smiles)

Bonbon head downstairs while yawning at some point then heads to the kitchen. He saw Chichi was rushing in making the food. He observed how she cooks and he can see that she's done it perfectly, though she's so sweaty and hyperventilating at the same time

Bonbon: Are you okay, Chichi? I can help you with that
Chichi: Oh! No thanks, Bon. I can handle it myself
Bonbon: Okay, if you say so. I'll just...get the milk at the fridge
Chichi: Not at all


Chichi: Breakfast's ready!
Bonbon: That sure smells good (tasting the food) It's not raw and not overcooked. Your food is perfect, after you...kinda' rushed, to make this (wink)
Chichi: Thanks. Sorry about what happened earlier, I-...
Bonbon: It's okay. I knew you didn't mean it on purpose
Chichi: Okay...(looks to her food and eats it)

To be continued...
Part 2 is at the next chapter. Still working on it ;-)

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