Grayson's POVWhen I wake up the next morning, Teresa was all over my mind, thinking about if she listened to what I had told her. Her life has a purpose and meaning. She's loved, appreciated, and people care about her even though people might not show her.
Her life is worth living. I hope she knows that-
I hear a siren pass by my house and then my phone rings.
It was a random number.
"Grayson! Oh my god. Thank God you answered," the woman was sobbing.
"Uhm I'm sorry but who's this?"
"Teresa's mother, s-she wouldn't wake up, I-I had to call the ambulance and you were the last person she talked to. I don't know if she told you anything-"
"What do you mean she wouldn't wake up?"
"I think she overdosed on something, my pills weren't on my nightstand," she couldn't stop crying.
"I'll be there," I started rushing through my room, putting on whatever clothes I found.
"Meet us at kaiser hospital in sunset boulevard at the emergency."
"Wait b-" she ended the call.
How the fuck am I supposed to know which building?
I run down the stairs, grabbing the car keys from the kitchen counter and yell out that I'm leaving in my mom's car before I walk out of the house.
I get inside the car and turn on the engine. I speed off to the hospital.
I run into the emergency and see Teresa's mom running with the doctors around the bed.
I catch on to them and ask if she's okay.
One of the nurses stop me and tell me I shouldn't be back here.
"Please tell me she's going to be okay!"
"Sir, you need to leave! Go to the waiting room!"
"But I need to see h-"
"We are going to help her, just stay calm!"
Another nurse stops Teresa's mother and she snapped at everyone. Saying she had to be there because it was her daughter.
"Ma'am, you need to go to the waiting room, you're not allowed back here," she said.
"Oh my god!" She turned around stormed out to the waiting room and sat down.
I sit next to her and sigh.
"Do you think she's going to be okay?" she asks.
"I don't know," I whisper.
"What did she tell you? W-What happened when you tried to talk to her?"
"I walked in on her with pills, but I took them away from her. I told her life was worth living."
"Oh god," she covers her face and cries into her hands.
"This is all my fault," I lean back in my chair as I'm realizing what the fuck I had just done.
"No, no it's not, we tried helping her. She just didn't listen," she says.
"I'll be right back," I tell her and walk outside.
I start calling Ethan.
"Grayson, finally, where the fuck are y-"
"I'm at the fucking hospital, you bitch."
"Woahhh, take it down three notches yeah?"
"No Ethan! Because of you, Teresa tried to fucking commit suicide! All because of you! All because you saw those pictures and sent them to our stupid ass friends! All because our friends had the fucking nerve to rape her! It all started with you!"
"Grayson, what the fuck? Calm down!"
"No! I'm not going to calm the fuck down, you piece of shit! Why don't you try and be in her fucking shoes! She's a fucking human! That has fucking feelings! Alright?! And this is all because you wanted to show our stupid friends the pictures! And honestly they're not even our damn friends!"
"Look Grayson, how am I supposed to know it was going to go to that extreme?! How?!"
"You knew they would do something like this, you fucking knew."
"No I didn't! I was mad when they sent me that video of them doing that! I actually gave a fuck about what happened to her!"
"It doesn't seem like it, you didn't go up to her to see how she fucking was, you truly don't give a fuck." I end the call.
I turn around to go back in but Teresa's mother was standing there, with a shocked expression on her face. She probably heard everything.
exposed !