You Think That You Can Hide

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Emmy hated the Auditorium the worst.

She'd always been terrified of foxes since she was little. They bit, they killed your animals and they were dangerous. Her brother used to wear a fox hoodie and jump out at her when she was younger. To make it worse, her pet duck, Balloo, had been killed by a fox.

It was safe to say that she hated foxes.

She'd just come back from her day job at Benny's Clothes Outlet, and still smelt like starch and fabric softener. Her hair was tied back in a bun and her eyes were masked by a pair of oversized pink glasses.

And something screwy was going on here, whether she liked to admit it or not. Last night, she'd been rebooting the systems all over the facility, and there were rooms marked on the map that weren't there. And she'd had to keep dropping the rebooting lens because - get this - the Freddy animatronic was moving towards her every time she stopped looking. Reminded her of the Weeping Angels that her dad had scared her with on Doctor Who - they only moved when you weren't looking. Plus,  as she'd been going up in the elevator, she could swear she heard cheering and the thunderous clack of plastic on concrete. As if someone had been running in there.

It was kind of difficult to deny.

But Emmy needed the money. Besides, it wasn't like the animatronics could hurt her. They were just bits of plastic and metal. They couldn't think for themselves.

She ignored Handy who was trying to talk to her, and pulled out her earphones, tucking them and her phone into her back pocket. With a degree in forensic sciences and another in criminology, maybe she could figure out what was going here and get her paycheck at the same time.

She was going to go through Ballora's Gallery today. Handy had told her last night to go as fast as possible to avoid disturbing Ballora, but when she'd taken his advice, Ballora had sped over, listening to her movements. So Emmy had slowed down and waited until Ballora moved away, and it was working.

They couldn't hurt her. But that didn't mean Emmy didn't have common sense.

She headed through the vents, towards the control module.

She could hear music. Handy must be playing something for her.

Were those... Bongos?

Emmy shook her head and crawled out of the vents, into the control module. Everything waited for her - both panels, the open vent towards Ballora's Gallery, and even the creepy mask on the wall.

"Great job on reaching the control module," Handy acknowledged. "Let's check on Ballora. Press the blue button on the panel to your left."

Emmy pressed it almost before he'd finished.

The light flickered on in Ballora's Gallery. The single light that was still working, at least. Her podium was empty.

"Looks like Ballora has better things to do," Handy sniffed. "Let's encourage her with a controlled shock. Press the red button on the panel to your left."

Emmy pressed the button. There was a zap and a brief flash of light, before darkness settled again. Emmy scribbled down some notes on a notepad she procured from her pocket. That didn't make sense. Robots have to do as they're told.

She pressed the light again without any prompting from Handy. There Ballora was, her four Minireenas with legs lifted in a pirouette, and her with both arms above her head, twirling in the soft pink light.

Then the light blinked out, and she was in darkness again.

"Great job. Looks like everything is in order in Ballora's Gallery. Now it's time to check on Funtime Foxy. Press the light on the panel to your right."

Switching arms, Emmy pressed the light button and Foxy's podium lit up. But something was wrong with the light bulb - it kept flickering.

"...controlled shock," Handy finished, but Emmy hadn't been listening.

In the flickering light at the edge of the podium, she could swear for a single moment she saw a flash of red.

She stabbed at the controlled shock button, fear rocketing through her like a bullet. That shouldn't be there.

Electricity zapped through the room.

Without any prompting, she hit the light button with her fist.

In the flickering light, indeed, was Funtime Foxy. Her jowls wide open in a terrifying grin. She was halfway through a dance, her back arched as she leaned downwards.

Emmy nearly screamed.

Holding her up, halfway through that dance move, was another animatronic. His fur was torn and ripped all over, exposing steely endoskeleton. She could hear a high-pitched buzzing in her ears, but ignored it and stared at the creature of horror in front of her. He had three rows of razor teeth, and one hand had elongated fingers that ended in daggerlike points. His other hand was missing - in place of it a bloody hook. One of his eyes was covered by an eyepatch. With his hand, he held Foxy, but as the light flickered...

Every now and again, she could have sworn that their heads flickered towards her.

Then the light was gone, and so was the high-pitched whine in her ears.

God, that thing... it was like a nightmare.

So Emmy got down on her hands and knees, ignoring Handy telling her what to do, and headed into Ballora's Gallery.

Fear was not an option tonight.

Five Nights At Freddy's: Foxy's VoicesWhere stories live. Discover now