How You Met

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You met at some New Year's Eve party. Both of you got ditched by your friends, so you two hung out and got drunk.

He asked to borrow your notes a lot during class, so you just invited him to lunch so you could help him get everything done.

You met at head start. You just became best friends, something that lasted.

You met in 6th grade when your teacher made her tutor you in Math. After she stopped tutoring you, she invited you to come over and play at her house.

You had to tutor a kid a few grades lower than you in English. Turns out he was the same age and developed a crush on you.

Your father started working for Mickey's, so you two started hanging out together to pass the time, which continued even when his dad's whole operation fell apart and your dad started working elsewhere.

You met Mandy through Ian when she started being his beard and they hung out at school everyday. You were friends with Ian a while before, so by being with him, she was going to be hanging out with you, too.

You met when you moved to the Southside and started going to school with her. You two had most classes together, so she showed you around and invited you to hang out with her.

You got a job at the Alibi Room. The owner, Stan made Kev show you the ropes. You had hours together a lot, so you got to know each other pretty quickly.

You found out your boyfriend went to the rub and tug and went down there yourself. You then proceeded to throw him out of the building and your house. The woman who was working him then gave you her phone number.

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