Chapter 5

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  Waking up shivering, I checked the time, it read 4am. No wonder my biological alarm woke me up! Wait a second, why am I sleeping on the swing?! I'm trying to recall what has actually happened. 

OH GOSH! I did NOT fall asleep while having Dr.M over!! *Panic attack taking over* 

I rushed inside to only realise that the dinner table has been cleaned and everything else is back to place. Can you feel the embarrassment I'm feeling? Going to the kitchen for an Advil, I noticed that I have a text message on my phone. 

*** I want to thank you so much for this wonderful eve and dinner. It's cute how you fell asleep, and I'm sorry I left without notice but I couldn't wake you up. See you in my office tomorrow. -M***

Gosh, I wonder how tomorrow will be like! For sure, I'll be having some awkward moments. 


Dr.M's Perspective:

I'm so tired, why can't I sleep? I just can't think of what happened tonight! How mysterious is this student? And why is she constantly on my mind??? I'm a going crazy or what? It was really adorable that she thinks my eyes are beautiful but I think I may have just crossed the limits. Wow, lots going on! I was shocked that her x-gf came but I'm even more shocked that I felt bit jealous! Like this isn't supposed to be happening at all. I know we'll all be in big trouble. I think that I should be bit distanced and treat her as a student. Well, why didn't I treat her like the previous GA's from the first place?

I'm having a headache now. All of these thoughts with tomorrow's work stress is giving me a headache. I better sleep now.


S's Poves: 

Driving to the University, I looked out towards the people behind their steering wheel. I sometimes love to perceive others. It's really heartwarming checking people's facial expressions in the early morning while they're driving. Like for example, there's this young lady that seems to be seriously sad, frowning while listening to the most heartbreaking music! Looking to my left, I see a motherly figure woman, talking on the phone nonstop. Reaching my other right, I can see an old person driving with a huge smile on his face, listening to some old nostalgic cultural songs. 

Sometimes I wonder how weird life can be. But such weirdness brings you feelings that can't be put in words. You just look at the people around you, then look at earth, meaning the nature, trees, skies, and the sea. You sort of feel a very special deep connection. You can feel as if thin air is hugging your soul, heart and mind. I don't know about you, but I do get this a lot! 

Parking my car, I hopped out excitedly! I'm usually in an active good mood whenever I get to Uni.  While jumping around, I stopped by her office. Knocking I entered. She's on the phone, so I quietly closed the door but couldn't not throw an ear to her conversation. 

Dr.M: " I don't know what's happening with me Nathalie. I know I know she's a student and my personal assistant... Okay stop lecturing me I shouldn't have went to her place but we're neighbours..."

Hearing this, I went to the W.C. so I can wash my face. She's right though, we should be working together on a professional level. Blushing and feeling things isn't allowed. We're both not kids to know the right from the wrong.

*** Stephanie, how are you? If you're at Uni already do pass by my office.-M***

*Knock knock*

Dr. M: " Hello, how are you today? Come in." 

S: " Good morning, I'm good thanks, you? Please before you say anything, I don't want to talk about yesterday at all, so let me just do what I'm supposed to do." 

Dr. M: " But just let me..." 

S: " Please No."

Dr. M: "Alright, I just want you to fill the absence on excel please."

S: "Sure, anything else?" 

Dr. M: "No, when you finish you can head to class."

S: " Okay." 

See? This isn't going awkward. But it does feel like it, every time she watches me from the corner of her eye. 


*Feelings deleted*

It's always unprofessional to have any kind of small feelings towards the person you work with. It may have been just appreciation from the first look, but it shouldn't be perceived as anything else! 

However, I'm very excited that it's Monday! Meaning, Ladies night!! Can't wait to call A so we can hangout the way we used to. 

________________________________________________________________________________Author's Note

Sometimes we have to wrap things up in order to move to the next chapter. 

(You got my point) 

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