Fatty isn't so funny anymore {Ch.17}

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The weekend came and went with the boys being stupid and a few calls to Ari. I really hadn’t heard anything from Gryffin and to be honest I didn’t want to. It was better for me to stay away from him, but I had decided how I was going to start my revenge. I would start tomorrow night.

I was now taking a shower getting ready for school. I had woken way to early and couldn’t get back to sleep because of the usual nightmare. Surprise, surprise. It was a little different though. Not once had I seen Gryffin in it this time, only the relentless teasing of my classmates was prominent in my mind. I had then taken a quick jog to clear my head which explains the reason I’m taking a shower, BO isn’t exactly attractive.

After getting out I slipped on some jeans and a singlet leaving my hair to air dry so I could put it up before I left for school. I put on some make-up and went into the kitchen yawning. Might a well fix breakfast since the guys are here and I have about and hour and half before I need to leave. I got out some pans and bacon and sausage out of the freezer and biscuits out of the refrigerator. I took a peak into the living room and laughed at Dane hanging half off the couch drooling out his mouth onto the carpet. I shook my head and put the biscuits in the oven. Then I put the bacon in one pan and sausage in another flipping it all periodically.

I heard footsteps padding behind me and turned to see Blayze, shirtless and his hair tussled. “Something smells good” He stated his voice thick with sleep.

I smiled “I knew it would wake you guys up” I said. He really is good eye candy I thought putting some of the finished bacon in a paper towel covered plate to help drain the grease.

He sat down and yawned “Why are you up so early?” He asked eyeing me.

“Nightmare” Was all I said.

“Anything you want to talk about?” He asked. This is why I loved these guys; they all were my brothers even if it wasn’t biological.

I shook my head no “It’s okay” I said and he looked at me with doubt “Promise” I smiled as I took the biscuits out of the oven giving them some time to cool while everything else finished.

Mark then walks into the room in the same sleepy state that Blayze did “It smells amazing in here” He said and I smiled as he sat down with Blayze.

“You boys go get dressed and wake the other two up” I said as I finished the last bit of food and they nodded getting up and leaving. A minute later they came back dragging a half a sleep Dane and Ashton with them. “I have bacon” I said grinning.

“Now that’s something to wake up for” Dane grinned as they all sat down and I put the plates of food on the table.

I had been smart and got my plate out before they got a hold of the food. I checked the clock as they scarfed down the food and I ate my slowly. I still had thirty minutes. I got about half way through my food and realized I was done. I sighed throwing my plate away.

“Guys I have to work after school so you know the drill, if you leave lock up” I said walking up stairs and quickly throwing up my hair letting my fringe hang down and grabbing my cell phone and my bank card, also throwing a bright pink shirt with a panda on it that cut off below my boobs over the black singlet I had on. I ran back down stairs “See you guys” I laughed as they still stuffed their faces “Do the dishes!” I yelled and ran to my car jumping in. It felt like a music blasting kind of day I’d take my bike later this week.

I drove down the road blasting Skrillex with my cool kid shades on. I finally pulled into the parking lot everyone that was already there looking at me like I was crazy. I shut off the car grinning at the people tinted a black color thanks to my sunglasses. I saw on a bench that Luna, Ivy, and Will where there smiling in my direction. I waved and walked over to them.

“You’re looking badass today” Ivy smirked.

“Thanks, I try” I laughed sitting down with them.

“How was your weekend, dear?” Will asked.

“Pretty good, I got a job” I said flipping my fringe back a bit.

“Really? Where at?” Luna asked.

“The pet shop” I said, that’s seriously what it’s called.

“Awe! I love it there, all the animals” Luna gushed and I smiled.

“What about you guys? How was your weekend?” I asked.

“Great” Ivy said grinning at Will and he nodded.

“Glad yours was, I was stuck at some family dinner and then had to watch my little sister” Luna pouted.

“Sorry, dear” I said.

She waved it off “No problem”.

I felt the spot beside me a bit and looked over the see the familiar red hair of Ari. “Hi” She said eating a skittle as she held the pack out offering us some I shook my head no.

“Huge breakfast” I grinned. She nodded and gave some to Luna and Will who wanted some.

“How was your weekend?” Ivy asked her.

She rolled her eyes “Dramatic” She said looking at me and I looked away. They looked at her oddly “Long story” She said and the nodded as the first bell rang

“Gotta go to class, see you guys at lunch” I said and we all said bye as I went and got my books out of my locker.


What the hell is that bitch’s problem?! I seethed as I stomped down the hall to the cafeteria. I slammed the door open ignoring the stares I stomped oh so unattractively over to our table and sat down drumming my fingers against the table just waiting to hit something. I glanced up and saw Ivy, Will, Luna, and Ari looking a bit scared.

“Are you okay?” Ari asked cautiously.

“Do I look okay?” I growled “That bitch got me detention!” I ranted.

“Huh?” Ivy asked.

“Your asshole of a brother got me detention and with him of all people” I said pointing at Ari and she rolled her eyes.

“How?” Will asked.

I groaned.


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