H2RAI 1: What the Cat Dragged In

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© 2014 Kimber Lee HOW TO RAISE AN INCUBUS: Part #2



How to Raise an Incubus 1: What the Cat Dragged In

The man I was in love with stood in front of me demanding that I have sex with him to make him better. No greeting. No niceties. No nothing but a harsh demand to fuck him as if he hadn't been away for two weeks after finally, finally telling me that he loved me back.

Sure, he just happened to be a demon and one could not expect an evil spirit to be...well, not evil. But this was Andrei, a demon that had said the damn L-word, for Pete's sake. He was a demon who had claimed the title of my boyfriend. The demon that had impregnated me.

For a minute, all I could do was stand there in disbelief, taking in his mutilated face, the coldness in his intense blue eyes. His outward appearance wasn't the same - a little terrifying, if I were being honest - but inside, wasn't he the same man? I scanned him as impassively as I possibly could.

Then hot anger washed over me.

"You're still in service to him?" I couldn't help my antagonism. It wasn't so much that I was pissed off about Andrei's command. It was the idea of him leaving - again - without giving a shit that had me shaking with rage. "What are you doing here, then?"

He didn't bat an eye at my tone. "He has a decade of my existence to his name, Rainelle. Only then am I free."

Nodding, I stooped to retrieve the gun. My hands hardly shook and Andrei barely flinched when I fired a shot at him. The bullet hit his right thigh, high above his kneecap, which I'd actually been aiming for. His nostrils flared, his only real reaction to being shot at. It hadn't been cathartic at all and my shoulder still throbbed a little.

"Did that make you feel any better?" he growled, ignoring the blood seeping through the leg of his jeans. His trench coat had long been left agape.

"No, but it's a start. Believe me when I say I'm an extremely crazy fucking woman right now." I inched backwards as he slowly approached me. His face... God, that face... "Why has Teddy let you see me?" Suspicion instantly made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

What if the ward Temp's friend had put up isn't strong enough? What if this isn't Andrei? What if...

"He wants me to fix my face," he said simply, the bullet in his leg doing little to hinder his progress towards me. "He didn't specify who should fix it."

"What happened to your face? And why do you...look like this? Should I feel sorry for the poor guy you're possessing...or did you just...change?" The idea of him inside someone else's body, trying to have sex with me... Revulsion coiled deep inside my gut, refusing to budge.

"Are we going to play Twenty Questions, or are we going to fuck?"

I pointed the gun at him again. He growled low in his throat, a warning.

"Incubi can't possess humans, Rainelle," he grudgingly admitted. "This is the image that was chosen for me. My own one is too well-known." He looked away. "And as for what happened, I am bound to silence."

"Do you know that I'm pregnant?" The words tumbled out my mouth unchecked. This was so not how I wanted to tell him.

Andrei didn't look at me. "I know. I knew the minute they began to form inside you."

How to Raise an Incubus, #2Where stories live. Discover now