Chapter 10: A Friendly Game of Chess

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The trio stormed past the hallway and sought the path towards the 3rd floor corridor. "The time is now, especially when we've finally figured out how to get past the Fluffy." Hermione hissed, halting the two boys before they go any further. Ron huffed, "We're aware of that, Hermione. Harry and I were right there with you."

The girl shot him a venomous glance at him before turning her attention to the figure that seeped out of the shadows of the opposite hallway. Harry and Ron turned around just in time to see Emily approach them, giving off the impression that she knew how to find them.

Harry knew that his sister had quite the flair for dramatic entrances, and this time was very theatrically eerie. "I noticed that Snape questioned you a few minutes ago," Emily brought up, looking at Hermione's stony face. "What did he want?"

"Nothing," Hermione answered, having no intention whatsoever to unravel their plans to the Slytherin.

Emily faced her brother and motion to the empty storage room a few yards away, "Let's talk in private." She wasted no time in grabbing her brother's arm and drag him away from his friends.

"But-" Hermione exclaimed, but was promptly cut off by a dismissive wave of Emily's hand. The twins got into the closet just as she cast a spell to illuminate the dark space. "What's going on?" She interrogated, her eyes now watering, showing vulnerability that Harry did not see a second ago, "My scar has been a pain all afternoon, Harry. I'd appreciate some transparency from you about your little fieldtrip."

"We're going to the 3rd floor corridor." Harry told her, avoiding eye contact. But Emily had tilted her head until her eyes met his, their awkward little fidgeting arms mirroring one another. She began to notice small things like that ever since Christmas, it was something that screamed twins, reminding her that Harry literally is her other half.

Due to impatience, Emily waited no longer and plucked the ring off of her finger. "I don't mind Hermione not trusting me. I'll stand guard and wait until you send word that you need help," She took her brother's hand and pressed the ring into his palm. "The moment you need help, and I mean life or death kind of help, you call me."

Harry looked down at the ring in his hold and recalled seeing Draco Malfoy wear a similar one. "Will it just sense when I need help or – "

"You need to press down onto the stone and call for me, and I'll be there for you." Emily carefully explained, preparing for her departure. Harry nodded absentmindedly, mildly overwhelmed. "Thanks."

She looked back at him unexpectedly and blinked. "It's the least I could do. Be safe."


Meanwhile in the Slytherin Common Room,

Draco Malfoy paced to and from the porthole towards the massive picture window that showed the deep waters of the Black Lake, the years of algae growing on the glass only gave it a richer hue of green that blended perfectly with the common room.

Perhaps I do have a slight crush on her, maybe it's stronger than how I lead on – Draco sucked in a deep breath, loathing himself even more. Why am I lying to myself? I basically announced that I wanted to marry her someday. I feel dafter than that student who mistook mistletoe for moonstone, seriously, they don't even look similar.

As Draco was about to turn his heel around and do another lap towards the porthole, Emily has slipped inside and looked at him in displeasure. "That's because you are daft."

"You said you would stop reading minds."

"I said I would try to stop when I can."

"That's exactly what I had just said."

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