The boy with the glass heart

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On a cold winter night a young woman bore an extraordinary child. A healthy young boy with an angel's face. The woman laughed a few tears escaping her eyes. The baby had already stolen her heart and she vowed to protect the boy with everything in her power. But though normal from the outside, this boy was anything but ordinary. For his heart, while beating strongly, was made out of the most fragile material there was, glass. No one knew. Not even the boy himself learned of this.
He grew up to be a happy child. Curiosity marking his steps, kindness underlying his decisions and humor winning him the hearts of his pears. But naturally not all were fond of him. The boy didn't see their growing disdain. He didn't notice the looks, the whispers and the fingers pointing to him. For him there was no evil in the world. Some called him naive but was it really naive believing people were good in their hearts?
As he grew older the vail of his innocence lifted. He started seeing the hurtful intentions others hid behind seemingly nice words.
"I really like that new haircut." She looks like a boy with that.
"I love you so much, Baby." That bitch is so annoying.
An ache settled in his chest. Everywhere he saw the lies and falsehood of the people. Even if he wished for it to stop, the hidden stabs hurt him. Each and everyone.
Know-it-all. Leave me alone. Insensitive child. I hate you.
To him their intentions were clear. Still he smiled at them. Left them alone. Never showing any sign that the words reached him. That he knew of the dark and brutally honest feelings they were so fearful to express. He knew but kept it hidden inside himself.
As time passed the boy started wondering. Questions arouse inside of him. 'Why do people want to hurt each other?' 'Why do they conceal their intentions?' 'Why can't they be honest?' 'Why lie?' 'Do they not see the hurt they cause?' 'Do they not care?'
But the boy did not dare look for answers. Too afraid had he become of the people around him. Too much hurt had he experienced. The ache in his chest had become a constant companion. Following him everywhere he went. Reminding him that the world had no place for the innocence in his heart.
The boy had grown to be a young man. But from the once happy, life loving child had not been left much. He had begun to see and hear things nobody even had done or said. While still trying his best to smile , he suffered haunted by his growing paranoia.
Going through the day, living out his daily life got harder and harder for him. It was simply too much.

So that one day came. He had heard it before. Countless times. Worse even.
"You oversensitive ass!"
'CRACK' This time that one little crack suddenly grew. Reaching out and connecting to all those small barely noticeable other cracks. One after another they grew in size and depth. They grew and grew til....his fragile glass heart shattered.

'I never knew' people said. 'He always smiled though.' His mother only smiled sadly. She had not been able to protect her little boy. Had she only known the pain he had suffered from every living minute. Had he only said:

"It hurts."

The boy with the glass heartWhere stories live. Discover now