The building was huge, and beautiful. The walls where made of large white stones. It had a dirt floor, so that the place stayed cool. The roof, also made of stone, had very detailed paintings on it, of angles and animal-human hybrids.
But it was also like a prison. There wasn't very many windows, and when there was they had bars over them going both horizontal and vertical. Each of the teens bedrooms had three locks on them one inside the room and two outside.
"What was with the rabid dog in my room?" I asked.
"What rabid dog, Rain?" Ink asked.
"The one that was in a cage beside my bed, foaming at its mouth." I stated.
"There was a rabid dog in your room?"
"Yeah, there was, did you not see it?"
"I guess not."
"Okay, oh well." I said, "Hey, what are we going to have for breakfast?"
"Hash-browns, with a side of you I hope." Emmett said in a teasing tone.
"No way am I going to let you eat me." I said back also in a teasing tone.
"Brains!" I yelled.
"What is there to eat up there?"
"Um, food I hope." he said smiling.
"Jinx?" I asked
"Yeah?" Jinx said looking up from the fridge.
Jinx was 6". He had long, black, flippy hair. His eyes were the color of polished silver. He was only wearing his pajama bottoms, showing off his six-pack, rummaging through the fridge. He came up with an orange juice box and a red apple. I looked at him while he walked over to us.
"Ever heard of a shirt, Jinx." Ink said angrily when he noticed me looking at Jinx.
"Nope, never heard of one." he said with a smirk, "Have you ever heard of one?"
"Yeah but I don't like them."
I look at Ink I noticed his 8-pack for the zenith time.
"Nor do I." said Jinx, looking behind him.
"Where is pops?" I asked.
"Not here." Jinx answered.
"So, did you ring the bell?"
"Jinx, do you know when Pops left, or why?" Brains asked as he was going throw the cabinets.
"Nah. He just left and put a note on the fridge that said, 'Help yourselves to some food I've got some stuff to do be back soon love Pops.' so I'm helping myself to some food.'' he said as he took a drink from the orange juice box, after he took a bite of the apple.
"What all do we have to eat?" I asked Jinx.
"In the fridge?" Jinx replied.
"Yeah, where else?" I said.
In one of the cabinets, on a shelf, in the trash..."
"Oh, ha-ha."
"I know I'm hilarious."
I walked toward the fridge, to get some food.
"I'm starved." I declared.
We all jumped when something crashed in the pantry.
Ink stepped in front of me and we all walked over to the pantry. Ink slowly opened up the squeaky door.
Reed looked like a deer caught in head lights, her eyes were very wide.

The Fey Keys
AdventureIt's about a group of teen that are not like any other teens there age. They have powers, due to an experiment done at birth, which also caused them to have to go to the die Akademie, a school for abnormal children. You'll have to read it...