Lance glared at the Galra boy. He knew it was rude of him, but he didn't care. That boy was a really good player, almost as good as Lance himself! But he had to play for the stupid Galra! He didn't even look like the purple skinned freaks!
"Lance, your up!" Shiro yelled at the boy.
The boy only nodded as he grabbed his bat. The Cuban was ready for the pitch, as always.
"Lance~" Called some girls that wanted his attention.
Yay, even though he loved it when they did that, he had a game to win! They could wait!
Just then the pitcher threw a fast ball! Anyone else on his team would have never seen it coming, but his nickname would have never been Sharpshooter if he couldn't see what it was doing.
Right when the ball was about to pass him, Lance slammed his bat into it, sending it flying out of the field!
The brown haired boy dropped his bat and ran as fast as he could. Hunk ran a home run with Pidge following close behind. Lance was on his third base when he saw the ball being thrown at the boy he was glaring at.
Deciding it would be safer to stay on the third base, he glared some more.
"Wise choice, runt." Growled the Galra behind him.
Lance's eye twitched as he tried to remain calm and wait for Shiro to shoot another home run.
The pitcher shot a curve ball, which still wasn't enough to get the Black Lion out! He shot it high up into the air.
Lance took the chance and ran as far as possible. In fact he and Shiro hit a home run! That left the two teams tied! 16-16 and in only three innings!
Lance's POV
Me and Shiro sit back down as we try to relax and catch our breaths. After a few more minutes, we had to play the field. The game went by a lot quicker than before and their team had gotten a few more points.
In the end, Voltron had won by three points! We cheered and laughed happily.
A few days passed when I bumped into that Galra boy. He glared at me as I glared at him. Soon I couldn't take it and just grabbed his black baseball shirt.
"Wanna go?" I growled out as he grabbed mine.
"Usual place?" He grumbled.
This wasn't the first time we had gotten into a heated fight over nothing, and knowing us, it won't be the last.
Me and him walked to an open field a few blocks away from the city. It was an area where we wouldn't get interrupted.
He threw the first punch, knocking me off balance. I murmured a few curse words as I threw one of mine own. He dodged that one and kicked me in the stomach. Oh! It was on!
Me and him continued to fight until it started getting dark. We both had black eyes and bruised arms and legs. Our knuckles were bloody from hitting as hard as we were, even some blood was from each other!
"Bye, mullet!" I called back at him as I walked away. He mumbled something, but left anyway, the opposite way of me.
The next day, when I came to practice, I saw that boy was there! He even was wearing one of our uniforms!
"What is going on here!" I yelled out.
The Black Loin sighed as though he knew that this was going to happen. Mullet looked at me before bandaging up his hand again. He looked worse than what I did to him!
He had more bruises on him than there were on me! And he was faster than me when it came to fighting! So, what the hell happened!
"Keith was kicked out of his school and the Altean Academy thought we could use an extra player. Plus, Allura is off the team since she had broken her arm three games ago." The leader of the group told me, even though my eyes were on the now named person.
"Right... Well, I guess that just means that I get to show off my awesome skills to someone else!" I say, flexing my arms with my usual, flirtatious grin.
Keith only rolled his eyes, though I could see the dark red color on his cheeks.
"Lance, quit flirting and throw me some balls before you won't have any." Pidge said with a small glare as she practiced her swing.
I shivered at her words as I quickly got some balls to throw at her. She may be only up to my chest, she still can do serious damage to anyone!
I pulled my arm back as she got ready to hit a home run. I knew she would think that I would think of trying to a pull a girlly stunt to show off to the new member, so why not?
I threw the ball as hard and as fast as I could, curving it slightly. My ice attack as many call it for it leaves it's victims froze in shock. Not even Pidge was expecting this from me!
When she swung the bat, it was already in Hunk's glove as he grunted at the force.
"Want another one?" I asked her, tossing another ball up into the air.
She growled and readied her bat. She now knew that I wasn't going to show off in the usual way. Nah, what fun would that be?
I pulled my arm and threw it the way we all usually throw it, straight forward. It normally catches people off ground and causes them to move the bat out of the way.
Pidge glared as she hit the ball, it going all the way to the left field! Keith ran all the way there and caught it like it was nothing! He even returned it to me in the same second!
I caught it with one hand as I laughed. This was defiantly going to be fun! The little midget didn't even have time to get to the first base!
"Again?" I asked, my cocky smirk on display.
The Green Loin grumbled a few words that had caused Hunk to pale. But she raised her bat and glared at me with heated, determined eyes.
I wound up and fired a Lion Blade! It was called that since it is impossible to tell whether its go straight or curving.
The small woman hit with so much force that it was about to go out of the field entirely! That was until Keith did a really high jump and caught it! Not only that, but threw it into my hand again!
Oh, this was too much fun!
For the whole practice me and Keith became unstoppable! We laughed a bit and even had some friendly rivalry!
But... When practice was over, he seemed... Nervous...
"Hey, Mullet head! Why not walk together since we live in about the same area?"
My blacl haired teammate smiled at that and nodded. So we walked for a couple of blocks before a group of Galras dragged Keith into a dark alley.
Anger flared in me as I took off running after them. Not even a few minutes later I saw them beating in my friend!
"Why would anyone take in a runt like you! Yeah you can't keep your head in the game!" One of them yelled at him.
More anger flared in me as I picked up a round ball. I aimed it at one of their heads and shot it as hard as possible.
It landed on the guy's head and caused him to stumble forward a bit. Then he whiped his ugly, purple face at me.
"Leave him alone, you Galra scum." I hissed as I readied myself for a fight.
The closest Galra to me made a wildly swing at me, but I easily dodged it and landed a hard blow to his stomach.
Keith's POV
I stared in shock as I saw Lance land a solid blow to one of my old teammate's stomach! It was hard enough that he had to stumble back, gasping for air!
After that, it was pretty easy to tell who would win. The other purple guys picked up their leader and ran as fast as possible!
"Thanks for the help. I didn't know you could hit like that."
The Cuban held out his hand for me to grab. I took it and was brought up to my feet.
"Thanks for the help." I grumbled as I felt the pain hit my already sore body.
"No problem! Come on, we should get home!" He smiled brightly as he placed his arm around my shoulders.
A light blush filled my face as I let him walk me to my house. And ironically he happens to live across the street from me... Heh...
"See you tomorrow at practice, Mullet head!" He called out as he ran to his house.
"Yeah... See you tomorrow, Sharp shooter." I whispered back.