All Because of Duct Tape

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When we returned from Westwood, it was already almost seven-thirty, so we headed straight to the third floor lounge. Emmie had texted Chelly to get the girls assembled there so we could quickly organize the second part of her plan.

We expected the girls to be excited. What we didn’t expect was the cheering.

Emmie laughed and held up her hands. “Yes, okay, thanks everyone. Before you congratulate us, we have a lot of work to do.”

And like the born leader she is, Emmie delivered the rest of her instructions to her ranks.


“How are we supposed to attach it?” Kaylee whispered.

We were in the bushes behind the aquatics center, trying to set up a webcam with my phone, because Emmie was adamant that we should have video. I agreed, but it was proving to be a challenge. We needed to set it up so it was out of sight, but would still capture the whole thing on tape. It would have been a lot easier if it wasn’t autumn and we could hide it behind some leaves instead of bare stems. “I don’t know,” I said, looking around for a better spot.

“What if we fix it to that tree, there,” she said. “We could angle it so the camera has a clear shot, but have the phone behind a branch.”

It was a good idea, but we didn’t have anything to secure it with. “Wait,” I said, remembering. “There’s some duct tape in the stables. Why don’t you run and grab it and I’ll stay here and find the perfect angle. It’s in the tack room on a peg just inside the door.”

“Or, you could go and grab the tape, since you know where it is.”

Yes, that makes more sense, but I really don’t want to run into Brady, I didn’t say. “Do you mind going?” I practically begged.

“Yes, Brooklyn, I do mind. Come on, we don’t have a lot of time to get this set up. Just go.”

I had no good argument, so I crouched and picked my way out of the bush, Kaylee right behind me. “And anyway,” she said. “I saw Brady leave earlier. You probably won’t run into him.”

I gave her a look over my shoulder.

“Sorry,” she said with a shrug. I’d told her on our way to the center what the dean had said and that she’d told Brady the same thing, so of course she’d know why I didn't want to go to the stables. “For what it’s worth, I still think he’s into you.”

“Yeah, well, maybe he was, but not anymore.” I wasn’t so sure though. I’d probably imagined him ever being into me even a little.

 I left Kaylee and walked quickly over to the stables. The door was closed but not locked, so I pushed it open, calling out, “Hello?”

Jerry, the stable hand popped his head around the corner. “Hi there, I’m getting ready to lock up for the night, did you forget something?”

“Oh hi,” I said, thankful he wasn’t Brady. “I was just hoping to borrow the duct tape—I saw some earlier.”

Jerry jutted his chin toward the tack room. “Help yourself.”

I jogged around the corner and grabbed the tape, yelling out a thank you as I slipped the roll over my wrist and headed back toward the door. But as I grabbed the handle and pulled, it moved toward me too quickly; someone was coming in. And they were in a hurry.  The movement of the door knocked me off balance and before I could steady myself, I ended up on my butt on the concrete floor.

The pain took a second but then kicked in, radiating from my tail bone all the way to my toes.


I looked up. Of course it was Brady.


“I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” he reached for my hands and gently lifted me to my feet.

“Yeah,” I breathed. “I just…it…ow.” I hunched over a little, waiting out the pain. It seemed to lessen a bit as I did some yoga breathing.

“I’m so sorry. I got home and realized I forgot my phone and I…it doesn’t matter…” he shook his head. “Are you okay?”

I nodded. And then realized he was still holding my hands. His were warm and big; strong riding hands. I quickly let them go.

“What’s going on…?” Jerry poked his head around the corner again. “Oh, hey, Brady. You back for your phone?” before waiting for an answer, he dug in his shirt pocket and pulled out the phone in question, handing it over.

Brady took it. “Thanks. We’ll get out of your hair so you can lock up.” He turned to me. “C’mon,” he said, grabbing my elbow and leading me slowly outside. The door closed and latched behind us.

“I’m okay,” I said, suddenly eager to get away from him. “Thanks.”

“What are you thanking me for? I just knocked you on your ass.”

“I don’t know,” I said, looking at the ground.



“Look at me.”

I’d really rather not, I thought. But I looked up at him anyway, noticing the shadows defining his cheekbones in the waning autumn dusk.

“What’s wrong?”

Ugh. We are so not going there. “Nothing.” I said.

“Why won’t you look at me?”

I did then. “It’s awkward.”

He pushed a stray lock of my hair behind my ear, making me shiver. “Tell me,” he said.

“The dean…”

He exhaled and looked away, combing his fingers through his hair. “She got to you, too?”

I nodded. “Listen, Brady, I don’t know why she even thought…” I stopped talking because suddenly his hand was on my face, his thumb tracing my cheek.

“She thought it because it’s true.”

I stopped breathing.

“I like you, Brooklyn. But…” he sighed again and looked at the sky before returning his gaze to mine. “I can’t. I can’t jeopardize this job. I can’t get involved. Not now. This is so not about you. Do you understand?”

“You’re going to the Olympics. Of course I understand. ” And I did. I totally got that he needed to not get tangled up with me and lose his job or his chance at a medal.

But a deep, secret part of me wanted him to chuck it all to be with me. Which, of course, was ridiculous. And if he said he was going to, I wouldn’t have let him anyway.

“I should go,” I managed to say.

He nodded. “If things were different,” he said, looking down at my mouth while gliding his thumb across my bottom lip.

“Don’t,” I said, my voice no more than a whisper. “You’re making it worse.”

He took his hand away and squared his shoulders, exhaling loudly. “I’m sorry. I’ll see you at practice tomorrow.”

Glad he’d put his coach hat back on, I nodded and stepped past him toward the aquatics center.

I only got two steps away before he said, “But Brooklyn?”

Not turning back, I stopped and waited.

“I was going to kiss you this morning. I just want you to know that.”

Which just made it a thousand times worse.



Taking The Reins - Book 1 of The Rosewoods (teen romance)Where stories live. Discover now