~ 18 ~

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A/N: sorry for taking so long to update! :)

Caspian smiled suddenly and placed a hand over hers on the wheel.

She breathed a sigh of relief at his calmness, silenlty thanking that her risk was worth it. She felt a soft smile prickle at her own mouth and allowed herself to glance in his direction.

"You need sleep," Robin said softly. "You had a rough few hours."

Caspian nodded, pressing his lips against her head before he striding below deck.

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"So what happens now?"

Lucy sighed, dropping down on the deck next to her.

"Now we go back to our world."

Robin nodded quietly and pulled her legs up to her chest, resting her chin on her knees.

"I have nothing left to go to," she sighed. "Everything I have is here."

Lucy followed her the girl's gaze across the deck and towards Caspian.

She grinned.

"Perhaps Aslan will make an exception."

"I doubt it, somehow," Robin muttered.

Reepicheep bounded up to them. "Begging your pardon, ladies," he said. "But we have started the final chapter of our quest."

Robin stood and glanced over the side of the ship.

She gaped.

White lillies covered the water, stretching as far as the eye could see in every direction.

"It's quite a sight," Caspian said behind her, causing her to nearly jump out of her skin. Once she calmed down, she nodded and smiled.

Robin, Caspian, Edmund, Lucy and Reepicheep clambered into a rowing boat shortly afterwards.

Edmund and -upon her insistance- Robin rowed in silence to the East, enjoying the way the sun baked their skin.

For once, Robin didn't mind the soft glow of her scars in the light.

They reached a small stretch of sand and stepped onto the warm earth, walking towards the Lion that awaited them.

"You have done well, children," he said with a smile. "But I fear this story has come to an end."

Lucy and Edmund gave Robin a sad look and hugged Caspian simultaneously. Lucy managed to get Reepicheep into a hug too, but Robin just kept standing, her gaze locked with Aslan's.

"What aren't you telling us?" she asked.

Aslan sighed. "Let us walk," he said, starting down the beach with Robin on his tail.

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