Part 26

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I took out my books and ran to class.
The bell rang right when I entered.

"What the actual hell, is this even possible" Ms. nomina said walking by me

"What" I furrow my eyebrows

"Your actually on time" she said

I roll my eyes and let out a small laugh

The kids started walking in and Charles sat next to me
Mark and Aaron sat across from us

"Baby, why are you acting so weird today" Charles said putting his hand on my thigh

"Nothing babe" I said putting my hand on his

The bell rang and class has officially started

"Okay everyone take out your books and start reading" Ms.Nomina said

Fun, we just read in this class oh god it's so boring.

I was really bored and wanted to have some fun
I look at Charles and he was deep in thought. I look over at mark and Aaron and there on their phones.

I kicked Charles foot and he turned his head towards me.
Fuck he's so adorable

He shook his head in confusion
He put his hand on my thigh and said "what's wrong, you can tell me"

I bit my lip. I pulled his hand a little higher up. Until he felt my panty

He smirked and knew where this was going. He    licked his finger and put one finger in me.

I held his arm and closed my eyes. He then put in 2 fingers which made me jump a little.

I look around to check if anyone is looking and nobody was.
I let out a small moan.

I took out his fingers and I placed my hand on his bulge.
I palmed it and he bit his lip.

"Not now" he said

I frowned and bit my lip

Ms.nomina left class to get some copies of something. I sat on Charles and kissed him. He put his arm on my waist and started moving my waist on his bulge

The bell rang and everyone walked out. Me and Charles stayed. We waited for everyone to leave and then we locked the doors.

He pushed me on the desk and took off his shirt.

I laughed and bit my finger to tease him. He took off my pants and spread my legs.

He took off his pants which left a shirtless Charles
I took off my shirt and stared him down

"Oh fuck I'm going to fuck you so hard" he smirked

"Damn" I laugh

He pulled me closer to him and put in his dick inside me.

He held my waist and started fastening his paste.

I held his arm and closed my eyes in pleasure

"C'mon Charles, your almost there" I groan

He was thrusting in and out of me faster and faster every second

I felt a knot in my stomach. ( omg help )

"Charles" I moan

We both stopped and took a breathe

"Damn" I smile

He picked me up from the table

And sat me down
"Woah" he said putting his pants on
I bit my lip

"Mmh" I moan

I got up and put my panty back on.

I laughed and got dressed.
"We should get going" he said putting on his shirt

I nodded and we walked out the door
"Where have you guys been" Chloe said

"Oh, uhm we had detention" I smile at Charles

"Yah" he said smiling at me
I blushed

"Uhhh, ok then but Sasha there's a party tonight at Spencer's wanna go" Chloe said

"Yea sure" I said walking away

The bell rang and it was the end of school.
I went to my locker and Anthony was there

"What are you doing" I asked

"I got a new locker and I can't open my locker" he groaned

"Let me help" I said taking the paper out his hand
I put in his combo and opened his locker
I smiled at him and gave the paper back

"What, how" he laughed

I shrugged and opened my locker
I took out my book and put in my backpack and closed it

"Bye" I say to Anthony

"Hold up" he said closing his locker

"So what were you and Charles doing today in class" he laughed

My eyes widened "what"

"I saw you guys" he smirked

"Oh god, that's so embarrassing" I turned red from embarrassment

"Don't worry, nobody noticed" he punched my shoulder

"Ok good" I push him

"What was that for" he smiled

"That's for spoiling the ending of my 2 favorite shows" I punch him

"Ouch" he frowned

"Aww" I smile

"Are you going to Spencer's tonight" I asked

"Yup" he smiled at me

"Sasha wait up" me and Anthony both turned around and saw joey running up to me

"Yes?" I asked

"You dropped your dollar" he said handing me my dollar

He licked his lip and I couldn't stop staring
"Sasha" Anthony said snapping his fingers getting me out of thought

"Oh ya sorry" I said
Joeys hand was still out with the dollar

"Thank you" I said taking my dollar from him

"Yah" he said brushing his hair with his hand

"Are you okay" joey said clapping his hand in front of my eyes

I shook my head "sorry" I blush

He smiled and walked away

"Ooh Sasha likes jjoooeeyyyy" Anthony said

"Shut up, no I don't" I punch his shoulder

"Yes you do, you spaced out twice just by looking at him" Anthony said

I rolled my eyes and walked to the exit



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