Stuck. That's what I am going to be until I get out of here, if there is even a way out. I keep trying to walk out of this abandoned place, but every step I take, I only get farther away. Optical illusion? I think not.
I'm Eun Haneul. Honours student. Shy. Nothing special. I thought my life was going to be normal. But no. Of course not. Every normal person's life is always flipped upside down when they least expect it. And that's what happened to me.
I was abducted from my own house. From what or who? No clue. I was sleeping when this happened. The only way I know how I was abducted is because I woke up for a split second. But knocked out by something. The only words I heard before I was knocked out, were: "We're almost there. Make sure all the contestants are asleep. We can't let them know."
Many things are going through my head right now. What am I a 'contestant' for? Where am I? Where are these other 'contestants'? Are they dead or something?
I walked around the abandoned city for a little while longer. I don't know how long I have been going for. I figured about an hour at the most, but I still don't know exactly.
Before I started walking around, when I woke up, I was in this strange area. It had a large clock on a wall, with a butterfly slightly above the clock, but also behind it. Wooden chairs put into a large, curved row. There were also papers on a table in front of the clock, but I didn't bother to read it.
This is all I can remember. There has to be some kind of reasonable explanation for this. I figure I'm dreaming. I do dream a lot, but the things I dream are almost always realistic, but why would I start dreaming like this now?
I give up trying to leave and turn the opposite way, back to the area I woke up in. Walking through this abandoned place brings back a lot of memories somehow. I look down an alleyway, only to see two hooded men. They both started walking towards me. I took a couple steps backward, tripping over something doing so.
"Come with us. Immediately." One of the men said.
"W-Why should I..?" I asked, petrified.
"Because we are supposed to be taking you back to the hub." The other said, taking out some kind of weapon. They were still in the shadows, so I couldn't see their faces.
I stood up, brushing myself off. I didn't hesitate. They each grabbed one of my wrists and started walking back, both of their heads down.
There really is no escape, is there..?
A/N: Well, there's the crappy prologue. 😅
Hope you enjoyed it regardless.~하늘💖

Time Remaining
Mystery / ThrillerWARNING: Blood and murder. If you feel that you need to stop reading at ANY point in time, please do!! I will not be offended! Please proceed with caution!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eun Haneul had just been living her life before she had been abdu...