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So if you have been reading the messages i've posted or have caught on to the absences of updates then you'd know that since school had started that i have been too busy to really write any chapters.

But now that isn't the only thing about updating.

I use to be so excited to write another chapter but now i don't really feel that excitment. i've lost the feeling in the story and i know that it will affect the chapters because the story suffers when i don't have that feeling. I know because this has happened with other stories.

Unfortunatly, this isn't the first story and there's this pattern that i've been noticing in my stories. Not the stories themselves but how they go. They usually are good at first but then eveything fades away and then i have to stop updating since no one is reading it anymore.

So to save this story from going downhill im going to leave it as it is.

Yes, i know, why would i do that?

Well it means that when people do discover it they wont just stop halfway through when i lose the feeling, they'll have the chapters with the feeling but a big cliffhanger.

So that means i'll leave the story up on my profile but delete all my other one's(Except His Ocean) And start again.

And if that doesn't work then i'll try again.

And again.

And again until i get it right.

So this will be the last post on this story unless i continue it.

For those who follow me, there will most likely be a brand new, fresh story coming up soon but for those who dont follow me and don't plan on doing so...see you next time.


Scarred (Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now