Things are going well, but my instincts are yelling "NOT FOR LONG!" I always expect the worst out of life and people, and I am a firm believer in the fact that good things don't last forever. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying these good days, but I'm sure it won't be long until it all turns to shit.
Miles has been coming over often. We aren't together but I'm starting to enjoy his company. We go out sometimes, whether to a movie, or even the park. Sometimes we just stay in and I'll cook or we'll order take out and watch movies. He usually seems content with what I want to do, and he's always smiling. Today he seems off. I notice these things within others all the time.
We were watching "The Breakfast Club", one of my favorites, as I laid in his arms on the couch. The tension was literally RADIATING off of his body. I couldn't help but ask, "Miles what is wrong with you? You not your usually self today.." He deep sighed. Uh Oh. Deep sighing is never good.
"You remember that girl that Princess punched in her shit in the mall a while back?"
"Yes." I said, wondering what the hell that had to do with anything..
"Well I know her.."
"Ok?" I asked in a mix between agitation and a longing for him to proceed.
He took in a deep breath and spat the words out so fast that I could barely catch them all.
"Waaaait. Can you calm down and explain to me why you so nervous? Breathe nigga!" I said about 5 seconds away from laughing in his face.
"I- I just didn't know how to tell you, I thought you'd be mad or something." He said with this head down.
I couldn't control it anymore. I had to laugh. After pulling myself together I proceeded to say, "Miles why would I be upset? I'm not your girlfriend and apparently this happened before I met you. This is none of my business. But you did just teach me something.." I said.
"And that is?"
"You don't know how to wrap it up" I said, busting into another fit of laughter.
"Ain't shit funny, I'm in deep man." He said swiping a hand over his face and clenching his jaw, which turned me on in the highest.
"You'll be ok, just make sure you tend to that child if it's yours, financially and spiritually. Don't just drop money and leave your child wondering who the hell you are. Trust me, I been there and it hurts." I said getting serious..
"Oh, I won't. I aint that type of nigga."
"Good." I replied simply, turning my attention back to the movie.
I felt myself dozing off, and eventually fell into a good sleep. I felt myself being lifted. I didn't panic because I smelled the familiar cologne as I relaxed my self and buried my face into his chest. He carried me into the hall and kicked my door open. He realized it was my room. He carefully placed me in my bed and tucked me in. I kept my eyes closed after sensing that he was still in my room. I opened my eyes after a while and watched as he took ever thing in. Looking at my pictures and admiring my wall of accomplishments. I smiled as he grazed upon one of the group senior pics me, Princess, Keith Jr., and Mercedes took. Even though we went to different schools we were inseparable. He then took a look at one of my individual pictures, and I heard him mumble, "Beautiful.."
"Thank you." I said, causing him to jump right out of his skin.
He tried to cover it up but I knew he was about to piss himself. "Um, I didn't know you were up. Sorry I'll get going now." He said walking toward the door.
"Miles do you see what time it is?" I pointed to the clock. 3:53 AM.
"I am a grown ass man, I can manage." He said twisting my door handle.
"Boy if you don't get your ass in this bed.." I said watching his body language as I spit the words out. It read a mix between excited and nervous.
"You sure?" He asked hurriedly.
"As I'll ever be," I said as I cut my lamp off.
I watched in the dark as he took his shirt off. I wanted to see so bad but I decided against cutting the lamp back on. He got in and climbed to the foot of my bed. I let out a deep sigh.
"Miles, I'm not a prude. You can come up here.." I said.
He didn't say anything. Just climbed right up to the top and laid there next to me. We didn't even sleep. Just conversed about our lives and the future. I enjoy these moments. Intimate conversation is everything to me. If we don't have that we have nothing. I eventually fell asleep, but not before feeling him wrap his arms around me. I cant even describe how that felt. I guess it just felt... right.

A True Friend Indeed *Urban*
RandomAs we grow up, we realize it is LESS important to have a ton on friends,and MORE important to have true ones. ~Anonymous~ A True Friend Indeed *Urban* Rated R