Comment a lot in this chapter. I want your opinion.
Jackie Simmons
It was night time; around 8 o'clock, and as usual, Brad was not home from work.
So, since no was here, I walked around the house with nothing on but a bra, underwear, and a shower robe over it. I had been tired lately, but Brad said that was because I was pregnant.
Walking into the other room, I heard the house phone ring so I answered it.
"Hello, this is Rodriguez residence," I said as I held the phone to my ear.
"Hey, is this Mrs. Rodriguez?" I heard a voice ask.
"Yes," I confirmed.
"Ma'am, this is Will. You have to come to Brad's workplace now. He's yelling at all the workers. It's really bad, Miss. It's not just yelling, something's ticked him off," Will explained.
"What happened?" I gasped.
"His father showed up today while the company was on some bad times. I don't know if you know or not, but a couple of days ago, Brad lost a couple business deals because one of the ambassadors for us did not do their job correctly. Boss almost fired him, but he had mercy. But because of all this, his father is not really happy at all right now. I think Brad is hitting his breaking point so please come now," he said, in a rush.
"Oh my goodness, don't worry. I'm on my way," I replied, running through the house to throw on my shoes and clothes. I was really worried at this point. What could be so stressful that had Brad on the edge? I know my husband, and even though he has very low tolerance, he does not let anyone get the best of him. The only one who really sees the emotional side of him everyday is myself so something was definitely wrong.
Obeying Brad's orders, I took Mister P with me to his job.
"Miss, why are you in a hurry?" He asked.
"I'll explain later, hurry," I said, breathing heavily as I got in the car, trying to throw on my shoes because I never got ready fully in the house.
I ran to the front desk just to encounter a lady laughing and talking on the phone instead of doing her job. But I was patient, and I waited. But five minutes turned into ten minutes, and finally I just said, "Ma'am, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I'm Mrs. Rodriguez, Brad's wife, and I'm in a bit of a hurry so could you give me a visitor badge and the room number of your boss?""Miss, I'm sorry but I can't just let you through-"
"It's okay, Ashley. She's with me on urgent matters. Come on, let's go," I heard Will say from behind me, in a rush.
Before you knew it, we were on our way to the office that Brad was in. As we walked down the halls, I noticed how beautiful all the rooms were: chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, bright colors to accompany the posters on the wall, and a smell of flowers in all the room to make the rooms smell immaculate.
I looked around myself and I could not help but like my surroundings. How could someone be stressed at a place like this? Surely, something really bad had to be happening.
Finally, we go to Brad's office, and suddenly, I hear yelling coming from inside the office.
"Why are these files not done right?! Get out of my face! Leave! You can't even do simple instructions! Just leave!" I heard Brad scream from out the room and my heart broke. You could tell this was more than a bad day. Events from the previous days had been building up and that's what is causing this stress.
I ran into the room, apologizing to some business man who my husband yelled at, "Sir, I am so sorry. He doesn't mean it, and he's just stressed." Then I looked at Will, and I told him, "Demand everyone to leave the room. He needs a break, and that's the only way that he will calm down."
Will escorted everyone out of the room, and before you knew it, I was just standing before Brad, looking deep into his eyes before I opened up my mouth to say something.
"Honey, what's wrong?" I asked, coming closer to him just to touch his shoulder.
"Nothing. Why did you come here?" He proceeded to say.
"I came here because you're not alright. You're yelling at all the workers. Brad, what is wrong? Don't lie to me," I told him, very serious about what I was saying. I walked up behind him, putting my arms around his neck to hug him. Then I began to talk again, "You can tell me anything, I'm here for you. You wanna know something? It's gonna be alright. The company is going to be just fine. Relax, please."
"I'm worthless, I'm nothing. Without this company, I am nothing. My father said so, and it's true. I'm so worthless that I can't even keep a company up," he said, downgrading himself, and it made me sad.
I grabbed his face, forcing him to look at me. "What do you mean? You're not worthless. Brad, at the end of the day, your company is still making one million dollars a week. That's a lot. You should be proud of your accomplishments and even without your company, I'll love you just the same. I love you," I replied.
"No, you don't," he mumbled, wrapping his arms around me tighter. "No one does, they always leave."
"Look at me," I persisted, looking into his deep brown eyes even the more, "I love you."
"Come here," he commanded, looking more convinced. I walked up in front of him, and he pushed me down on his lap. Next thing I knew, his lips were on mine, and he said, "You're mine."
"I can't be yours unless you're mine too," I said, trying to breathe as he attacked my lips again.
"Then I'm yours," he said, and his lips pecked mines continuously, and my heart fluttered harder than it ever has before in my whole entire life. Every time his lips hit mine, I felt an instant connection. Every time he touched me, I felt myself breathe so heavily that I had to catch my breath.
"I want you," he declared, pulling me to him even the more. "You're not leaving me again."
At that point, I grinned so hard that you would have thought that I was the Cheshire Cat.
"That's not what we're here to talk about, though. Stop yelling at all the workers, you hear me?" I exclaimed, shaking him by the shoulders.
"They annoy me," he growled under his breath.
"I know, but you cannot take things out on them. Then again, they are the workers, and they make your business work," I explained to him, very calmly. "Hungry?"
On the way to his job, I made a stop at Taco Bell to get him something to eat. It was a burrito, but I feel like some food is better than no food. After all, he needs some food after what happened today.
"Thank you," he said, and suddenly my head jerked up. I was surprised because for once, he said 'thank you.' Suddenly, I knew our relationship was improving for the good.
"You are welcome," I added, slowly smiling.
"You don't have to stay if you don't want too," Brad reminded me.
"No, it's okay. I want to," I said, and then I continued, "I know there has been something bothering you, lately, and it's more than just work. What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm fine. How's the baby? Have you made an appointment with the doctor yet?" He asked, trying to distract me from the real conversation we were about to have.
"I'm worried. Why can't you just tell me right now?" I begged, and he interrupted me by placing his hands on my stomach, rubbing it in a circular motion.
"Because, if I tell you what's really going on, you'll worry yourself sick. Stress is not good for the baby. Speaking of the baby, no more coffee in the mornings. I hear it's bad for babies," he replied, and I frowned. Suddenly, I thought of something, and I started to panic.
"Oh my goodness! Brad, we have to tell my parents!" I exclaimed, very loudly.
"They have already invited us to some party. We can tell them after you go to your appointment," he suggested.
"Alright," I said, feeling relieved. It seems like ever since I had told Brad I was pregnant, he had been more of a responsible person. I could tell he was excited for the baby, and it seems like this child was going to be the one person who brought us together in unity as a husband and wife. This was very new for me because my father and mother were not in love. They even told me that themselves, but my parents made it clear that they cared for each other very deeply.
If my mother knew how attached I was to my husband, she would strongly disapprove. Her number one motto was, 'There is no time for emotional feelings. Men have business to attend to and so do you.'
"Are you calm now?" I inquired, taking his hands in mine to comfort him.
"Yes, thanks for coming," he smiled, and my heart started to beat so fast. I had to collect myself for a moment after he said that.
"Yes Ma'am, you are pregnant. But we don't know the gender yet. We should have that information once you get about six months pregnant. But, you have a really big baby. He or she is right there," the doctor said, pointing at the ultrasound screen."Brad, look, there's our baby," I excitedly turned to my husband to tap him on the shoulder. I couldn't believe that something so small was going to be our baby.
"I want seven more," he said, bluntly.
"Seven more what?" I asked, in horror.
"Children," he confirmed, and I immediately started to think about what I have gotten myself into. Was my body even strong enough to bare all of those children?
"You're crazy," I whispered.
"Looks like you're gonna have a whole football team," the doctor grinned, and her smile got even bigger when she saw my face.
"I'm gonna pass out," I said, in shock. I had always wanted about three children. He wanted seven more of them. That was crazy, but even though I didn't mind, I knew that for the next few years, I was going to stay pregnant. That was a fact.
"Don't pass out," she laughed. "Save that for when you have the baby."
My eyes widened a little bit, and even though I wanted children, I had to admit, I was scared to give birth.
Comment, vote and share.Love, China.