Chapter 5: Writing

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HELLO HELLO HELLO, animetave here just a quickie to my readers ( hehe) sorry if the last chapter was a little intense, if you didn't like it .. well read a different story for starters lol, but if you didn't like it that doesn't really effect the story much just the exploration of themselves 😏 But just Forget about that chapter ( like the 4 episodes of Seven Deadly Sins Season 2 on Netflix lol) if it was unliked 

~ your lovely author Octavia ❤️

It was the next day and I slowly opened my eyes as I stretched my arm out,  Light was sleeping next to me on his bed and I was in awe of his sleeping face, he looked so peaceful and gentle. I slowly got out of bed, making sure not to wake him, my feet touched the floor and I immediately dropped to the floor, I groaned in pain as my hips ached, I could barely move and the rest of my body felt mangled, but t was all worth it. I once again stood up slowly trying to make it the least painful it could be, I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me not to disturb him of his sleep. I looked at my attire and remembered I had to borrow pajamas from Light, I wore a black thin tank top that showed a lot of my chest and really short shorts that were a soft material. I went into the kitchen and I wanted to do something nice for Light so I made a nice breakfast. I tied up my dark locks into a small bun as I placed the food in the oven, I didn't want to eat without him so I set the oven on low temperature to keep the food warm. I went to the bathroom so that I could clean my face and fix my hair, I see myself in the mirror and I almost lost myself all over again, a deep shade of crimson spread over my face as I traced all the marks in my neck and on my thighs. There were multiple purple and brown spots painted all over me along with two bite marks that had a small amount of dried blood on them. I bit my lower lip as I remember how I gained these marks. 

I go back out into the living room as I sat on the couch with my back facing the room, I reached over and began reading a magazine that was in the table, I held it at each top corner with my thumb and first finger as I turned the pages.  I hear a small creak of the floor right before I feel two arms snake around my waist and I feel a familiar warmth against me,  Light settled his chin on my shoulder as he kissed my cheek, " something smells delicious" he said into my ear, I smile as I close the magazine and rest my hands on his, " I made breakfast" I said as I rubbed his fingers with mine. " You didn't have to do that" he says however he has a big smile on his face, " I wanted to, after last night I owe you" I said bravely as I had a light blush on my face, " Ohh L, I cummed just as you did if you don't recall, all over your beautiful chest" he whispered as he nibbled on my ear lobe, I shivered softly and I gripped slightly tighter on his hands.  I remembered perfectly well, I turned around in Light's arms and wrapped my arms around his neck before planting a soft kiss on his lips, " Come" I said as I broke out of his grasp as i held his hand and led him to the dining table and had him sit down. I went into the kitchen and quickly slipped on mits and got everything out of the oven one by one, I prepared a plate for him with a perfect presentation, on the plate were two medium sized pancakes with a perfect amount of maple syrup and strawberries , two links of sausage( I'm sorry but when trying to write " sausage" my phone suggested " Satan"😂 Idk about you but I LOVE to enjoy my pancakes with two links of Satan😂)    , and a small amount of scrambled eggs. I brought the plate to him with a fork and a glass of chocolate milk, I smiled proudly at him after setting down the plate, he looked at the plate then back at me he grabbed my arm so I stumbled a bit and sat in his lap. He had one hand on my back and the other was holding my leg so I didn't fall, he kissed my cheek and smiled wide , " Thank you so much L" he said kindly, I chuckled a little " what happened to " dear"  Light?" I said with a devilish grin as I traced a finger in the bridge of his nose. 

Light returned the smile and planted a kiss on my lips, he moved his hand to the plate and placed a finger in the syrup, he then rubbed the sticky liquid on my bottom lip, he then softly swiped his tongue on my lip, licking up all the liquid. I began to unravel under his touch, as he kissed me with his sweet lips and dominated my mouth with his tongue. I almost fell into his lust, but it was morning and he could wait, I broke the kiss while slowly panting, I began getting up off of Light " you need to eat Light, it is the weekend so you can wait" I said with a cute smile , Light didn't seem very happy about this but he picked up his fork and sufficed " very well". I went back to the kitchen to make myself a plate when I heard something drop on the ground behind me, I turned around and before I could react Light's large hands were placed on the counter with me between his arms, he slowly leaned in closer his lips almost touched mine as he  pulled away and had a fork in his hand, I looked down and his old fork was on the floor. A deep blush painted my face, bastards playing dirty  I thought as he returned to his seat, I walked back to the table as well after I made my plate, I also had two maple sausage links, and two pancakes drowned in syrup and had extra strawberries. Light just chuckled at my plate and continued to eat, I looked up from plate shortly after beginning to eat, light just glared at me seductively as he placed a strawberry between his lips and bit down, I watched in sudden awe as his throat moved while swallowing it down, he then licked the syrup from his lips and bit his lower lip as well. I blushed lightly as I shifted my position slightly as he was gradually turning me on, I returned to my food trying not to look at those big hazel eyes, I caught a glimpse but continued to stare at light and he stared back, he held a link of sausage with his fingers , he pressed it against his lips as he gave it a small lick and bit down on the meaty breakfast item. Oh fuck it . 

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I moved my plate to the side as I climbed up in the table and crawled to light and did the same with his plate, I sat with my legs hanging off the table with my feet next to his legs, I leaned down  to his face and placed both my hands on his shoulders as I engaged in a very messy kiss. Our tongues danced together as light slid his hands up into my shirt and pulled it off of me, I then did the same to him , I now was fully committed to doing this. He pushed me back on the table and took off my shorts and boxers in one pull,  he then got in the table as well he held my hips between his knees and he stood atop of me. He reached over and grabbed the bottle of syrup, I took a hitched breath in as I knew what he planned, " excited are we?" He said as he held the bottle high and began to pour the warm sticky substance on my chest, after he was satisfied with the amount he closed the bottle and hovered over me, he started at the center of my chest, his moist tongue licked slowly following the trail he made. He then licked my right nipple first, sucking on the pink skin harder than the rest and did the same to the other. I was loving this so much I had constant quiet moans falling from my lips, my hands were twined in Light's hair as I softly tugged at the auburn locks. 

Light had finished licking up the liquid and got off the table, " I'll be back" he said seductively, when he came back the first thing he did was wipe my chest with a warm wash cloth so I wasn't sticky. I moaned again at the warm and wet touch, I knew by this point light had noticed my erection and was teasing me. He picked me up and a whimper left my lips as my dick touched light,  light set me down on the bed and took off his boxers letting his erect penis go as well, " Light?" I said softly as I looked up into his eyes,  he turned his head slightly to the side "Yeah?" He responded in a confused yet concerned way. I looked away from his gaze  as I ran my fingers along his toned stomach, "Maybe could you go just a little softer today?" I asked, I surely enjoyed what we had done but the soreness wasn't as great... well maybe a little, it is a reminder of what had happened. a soft blush crossed my face as I waited for his answer, he crouched down so he could be eye level with me, he put his hand behind my head with his thumb in front of my ear, " Your crazy if you think that I can hold myself from taking you right here, I am trying so hard right now not to do so, if only you could see the erotic face you are making and the look of your intoxicating body on my sheets, just by you sitting there reminds me of what happend last night, your pale skin being marked by me, your voice calling out my name and the passionate look on your face as I soiled your skin with my cum" he said seductively looking directly into my soul, my body quivered at his words I almost wanted to take back what I had said.  " I..I only said a little softer" I said quietly while trying to Evert his eyes as my cheeks became hotter, Light smiled widely at me as he kissed me roughly I made him follow me as I moved higher on the bed, our lips broke from the need to intake air, I wrapped my arms around Lights neck as he hovered above me, " Just biting" I said while catching my breath, light smirked and pecked me on the forehead "if I do recall, you asked me to bite you. you begged me to bite you L".  I leaned upward and kissed light on the neck, I sucked roughly at the skin to mark him just as he did to me. I moved my hand to grasp the back of his hair and the other held his shoulder for leverage,  I could hear lights breath pick up pace as his lips were by my ear due to my position, " Bite me...master" light whispered into my ear.

 My body shook at his words. Lust pumped through my veins as I thought of the idea, I gripped harder onto his shoulder and hair as I sunk my teeth into his soft skin, his muscles flexed as he let out moan, I could feel his breath on my skin which sent another shock through my nerves.  I could feel liquid on my lips, I looked to see that I had broken the skin and small droplets of red were rolling down his pale skin, I then licked over the bite and that yearned yet another small moan from his lips.   I could feel him trembling above me,  " you didn't think I would let you off did you?" He said in a shaky voice, I just smiled and pulled him in for another rough kiss. I slowly wrapped my legs around his back and lached my ankles together as I held on tighter, he groaned softly into the kiss as I began suddley grinding my hips against him.  He began ravishing my lips even more and his left hand grasped my leg as he pushed it upward and returned my grinds with rough thrusting, he was teasing me hardcore, I wanted him inside me and fast. We broke the kiss to take in a few breaths, I was panting as I looked into his hazel eyes,  I went to his ear and whispered my desire. " put it in me Light". I felt him smirk as he let go of me and reached for the nightstand but I stopped his hand and embraced it with mine, " There's no need for that" I said seductively as I opened my legs for him, he gave me a devilish smile as I watched him coat his fingers in saliva. My dick was throbbing by this point, I could cum just from watching him. He inserted one finger inside of my yearning hole, my hips raised as I let out a light moan, even though I used the vibrater the night before I'm glad he decided to prepare me first. As I got used to his sliding motion I matched it as I moved with his finger and he inserted another moving faster, I was becoming so wet by his touch, I could feel my muscles clench around him.  I was letting out louder moans as my arousal grew,  he inserted yet another finger and I knew my grasp on his shoulders had to have been leaving bruises at this point.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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