Chapter 2

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at garmadons room...
"Hello father it's nice to see you to", said katie, "what the hell who are you", asked garmadon, "it's me don't you recognize me", asked katie, "no now get away from me", said garmadon. then he closed the door then katie walked away crying, but then she went to see chris then she knocked on the door named Chris dark he opened up "katie!!", said chris excitedly. then he hugged her and brought her inside his room "how are you alive we all saw the note and flowers", asked chris, "I thought I was dead, but turns out I just disapeared because of my mothers magic", said katie. "what, but I thought she was dead", said chris, "yeah so did I, but turns out she's alive and helped me and saved me but then some bad things happened so I left to find you guys", said katie. "wow did she hurt you or anything",;asked chris, "no, but what happened to all my friemds and family", asked katie. "they all split up because they were to sad so they all went there separate ways well except for Lloyd, garmadon, wu, misaco, and caroline traveled here with me", said chris, "and what about you chris", asked katie, "well I became the new ruler of the dark kingdom", said chris. "wow that's cool", said katie, but then katie fell to her knees "katie what's wrong", asked chris, "oh its just that I'm weak", said katie. then she started to try and get up "woah there let me help you up", said chris. then he helped her up and then sat her on his bed "you look tired why don't you rest a little while", said chris, "ok but not to long", said katie, "ok", said chris, then she fell asleep.

Garmadons room...
"Who was at the door father", asked Lloyd, "some girl saying she was katie, but we all know she's gone and don't say she is still alive because we've searched everywhere for her and never found her", said garmadon. "but what if she really still is alive and we just don't know it", said Lloyd. then through the announcers "antention everyone we will be holding a special dinner tonight so please come at 7 and make sure to dress nice that will be all", said chris. "I wonder why he's doing this tonight", asked Lloyd, "I don't know son, but we will find out soon enough right now it is 4 so we should get ready in an hour or two", said garmadon. "ok should I go tell everyone else", asked Lloyd, "no I'm sure they heard him loud and clearly", said garmadon, "ok",said Lloyd.

Chris's room...
Katie woke up to the sound of Chris's voice "katie wake up", said chris, "chris what time is it" asked katie, "it is 6:23 pm so get up you need to get ready", said chris. "ready for what, what are you planing", asked katie, "I'm planing a special dinner in annour of you being back", said chris, "awe that's so sweet of you, but I don't have any cute outfits", said katie. "don't worry I found some for you", said chris, "ok thanks", said katie, then she tried on some and did her hair "ok I'm ready chris", said katie, "great let's go", said chris.

In the dinning hall
Mostly everyone was gathered in the dinning hall for something special that was going to happen then the doors to the dining hall opened and it was chris. "hello welcome everyone to this special dinner to celebrate someone special and no it's not me", said chris, "then who", everyone asked. "you can come in now", said chris, then Katie entered, "hi my name is Katie m garmadon", said katie shyly, then every was speechless with there mouths dropped dead opened.

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