Chapter 2

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Alright guys I finally decided to come out of hiding and I don't really have an excuse or maybe I do but that doesn't really matter here is the next part. It's not very good but I'm trying so that's what counts. It's also super short so... HAVE FUN!!

Laina's POV

I got home exhausted, there were bruises and scrapes all over my body and I couldn't help feel defeated. Even though I had escaped the thinning Blake hadn't and I was so angry. I tried to bottle up the anger but I could feel the cap busting off as the seconds ticked by. So I got to work making dinner and trying to put a mask on so my siblings wouldn't see me break down.

After I finished washing the dishes I grabbed my siblings who were sitting in front of the tv and started getting them ready for bed. I was getting back into the routine of life but while my siblings were brushing their teeth I felt something in the pit of my stomach it wasn't the anger I had felt all night, it was a tugging feeling like a rope was attached to me and was pulling me somewhere that wasn't here. I knew what that feeling was because of what happened but I don't understand what I could do, enough of me survived to live on and have a productive life. So I kept that thought in my head while I tucked my siblings into bed and finished cleaning up.

After cleaning up and trying to keep busy I went into my room and laid down on my bed. I didn't cry, I didn't do anything I just starred at the ceiling and when I had enough of that I put my head on my pillow and slowly fell asleep.

"You are free to go." Was all I heard as the hand cuffs unlocked and I was able to walk free. I saw Blake tied up in the corner and I rushed towards him tears falling down my face as I knelt down and hugged him. As I pulled away we looked at each other and all those feelings that I used to have for him appeared and I couldn't help as I felt myself leaning into him and kissing him with everything I had bottled up all those years every good and bad feeling I had felt towards Blake was put into that kiss but, this time he didn't kiss me back, this time he looked at me and said three words that nearly ripped me apart "I Am Dead!" he whispered in my ear and then I felt myself being lifted off of him as I struggled to hold on. I cried as they threw me through the door back to freedom but, it didn't feel like freedom it just felt like another cell they through me in.

Then I woke up, I shot up and out of my bed, sweat was dripping down my forehead as the whole dream replayed again and again in my mind. I got out of my bed and stood near the only window I had and looked out at the city. I didn't cry or more like I wouldn't, crying about everything that happened would solve nothing I would still be in the same place waking up every night thinking about what had happened that day in the school.

I knew what I had to do, the question was am I the right person to do it. Would I, a fresh out of high school student be able to pull this off. There was nothing special about me I was just a girl who definitely started really liking a boy at the worse time. Had they taken enough from me that warranted this feeling of revenge? And the answer is yes. First, they killed my brother, Simone and then they killed someone I cared about a lot, Blake. They won't take another person from me I won't let them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2017 ⏰

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