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It had been almost 6 months since Dinah asked Lauren to become her girlfriend and things were going great, but their 6 month anniversary was coming up and Dinah wanted to do something special for Lauren. She also knew that Normani and Lauren's school dance was coming up and that the green-eyed girl didn't want to go, so instead, Dinah had decided to arrange the perfect prom for her girlfriend. She had it all planned out, Lauren's sisters, the girls, and Maia would all be invited and it would be held outside where Dinah asked the younger girl to be her girlfriend. 

The only problem was, she didn't know how to ask Lauren to be her date. She wanted it to be super special but she was out of ideas.  She could always have a Disney medley with the other girls as her backup singers, but that was too unoriginal. She could write a poem, but she absolutely sucked at writing. She would write out the words "PROM?" on a pizza, but that had been done too many times. 

She was out of ideas... and she needed help, fast. 

Dinah walked up to the green-eyed girl's house and knocked on the door twice, before waiting for someone to open it. When Megan opened it she looked at Dinah surprised. 

"Hey Dinah, Lauren's out with Normani" she smiled at her baby sister's girlfriend. 

"I know, but I need to speak with all of you without Lauren." she said nervously and Megan nodded before stepping aside letting Dinah inside. She called out for all of the Jauregui girls to join her in the living room before sitting down next to Dinah. As they all greeted the Tongan girl one by one Dinah started. 

"So you all know about the prom I have planned for our six months anniversary right?" Dinah started and earned a few nods and hums in reply. "Well, I don't know how to ask her to be my date." Dinah continued and chewed on her bottom lip anxiously. "I want it to be perfect." She finished and looked at the sisters all staring at her smiling. 

"Well, I assume you want our help?" Rose said with a smirk and a raised eyebrow to which Dinah nodded. "well I think we can do that" Dinah breathed out in relief and muttered out a small "Thank you" before sinking down into the couch, feeling much more relaxed. She didn't know why she was nervous to begin with since she knew all of the girls. Maybe it was the fact that she was dating their baby sister and they were all very protective but they had already had the talk about hurting Lauren with Dinah and so had Normani. 

After some long discussions, they all agreed on one idea that they thought was perfect. Because Lauren had an obsession with Disney and Pixar they would tie a bunch of balloons to their out with a sign underneath saying "Would you be UP for going to prom with me? " 

Two days later the promposal was put into action. Luna and Livia took Lauren out for some "younger sister time" while Normani, the girls, Maia, and the rest of the Jauregui's helped Dinah set everything up. It took them a good two hours to make everything perfect and Dinah went inside to change into her prom dress. She wanted to be dressed like she would be at their prom when asking Lauren to go with her, because why not? 

 She wanted to be dressed like she would be at their prom when asking Lauren to go with her, because why not? 

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As Luna and Livia pulled up at the driveway the rest of the girls could see Lauren in the backseat, asleep... Luna got out and opened her baby sisters door and gently shook her to wake her up. 

"Lo baby, you need to wake up." when the youngest made no effort to wae up she spoke softly. "There's someone here that would like to ask you something" Lauren groaned but opened her eyes slowly, rubbing the sleep out of them. She started to get out of the car, not really paying attention to her surroundings until she saw Dinah standing on her front porch in her red dress.  

The green-eyed girl instantly stopped and when she saw the sign and the balloons she put her hand over her mouth muffling a small sob and rushed over to Dinah to hug her. Dinah wrapped her arms around her girlfriend and held her close, kissing her forehead softly. 

"So what do you say my darling Lo, would you like to go to prom with me?" Dinah asked smiling softly and Lauren looked up at her girlfriend nervously. 

"People at school hates me" she mumbled but Dinah only smiled wider, making Lauren look at her confused.

"We thought about that baby" She started proudly and looked at the other girls smiling. "We, all of us here, are going to have a prom together." 

Lauren beamed, stoop on her tippy toes, and kissed the older girls lips passionately before nodding. "Yes, I'll go with you. You're truly amazing" She said before leaning in for another kiss. Dinah deepened the kiss before her girlfriend was pulled away from her and into Megan's protective embrace. 

"Okay no taking away my baby sister's innocent in front of my eyes thank you very much" she said causing everyone to laugh and Lauren and Dinah to blush. 

Sooooo I know I'm shit okay... I haven't updated for almost three weeks but honestly, I've been too shitty to. I'm too overwhelmed with school, especially English A HL, and I haven't been feeling well. I'm sorry guys but updates will probably come at this speed for now. 

Annnyways, how are you all? I hope amazing because you guys deserve the best!

QOTD: have y'all listened to Demi's new album yet??

AOTD: Yeeees and it's amazing!


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