Nina and Fabian are both big time celebs (Anubis still happened also). But what would happen when you throw teenage fangirls, Fabians angry manger and a tour into their celebrity lives?!
"How ya'll doing?" I spoke into the mic as me and my band walked out on stage.
They cheered in response and I continued talking:
"So, I know you guys have places to go and people to see so we're only going to play one song." I played as the fans screamed 'no'.
"I'm just joking! So, before we start I'd just like to say how thankful I am for each and every one of you. You guys are honestly so kind and sweet and I couldn't ask for a better bunch of friends!" I grinned and shrugged while clutching the microphone stand.
"Okay, who's ready to hear some songs?!" I shouted.
Another scream cake before I turned around to my drummer, Danny, who nodded and we started:
Take away your things and go You can't take back what you said, I know I've heard it all before at least a million times I'm not one to forget, you know
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I don't believe, I don't believe it You left in peace, left me in pieces Too hard to breathe, I'm on my knees Right now, 'ow
I'm so sick of that same old love, that shit, it tears me up I'm so sick of that same old love, my body's had enough Oh (that same old love) I'm so sick of that same old love, feels like I've blown apart I'm so sick of that same old love, the kind that breaks your heart Oh (that same old love)
(A/N: Same Old Love - Selena Gomez.)
___Time Laps___
"You guys have been awesome! I think we have time for one more song!" I picked up the water bottle that was left for me at the front of the stage and took a long sip before looking towards the side of the stage and making sure the organisers were okay with one more song.
They nodded and I nodded towards the crowd and they cheered before I started dancing stupidly as my band started playing our final song...
Some girls feel best in their tiny dresses Some girls in nothin' but sweatpants, looking like a princess Some girls kiss new lips every single night They're stayin' out late cause they're just celebrating life
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Most girls are smart and strong and beautiful Most girls work hard, go far, we are unstoppable Most girls, our fight to make every day No two are the same...
(A/N: Most Girls - Hailee Steinfield.)
(Btw all these songs are in the Spotify playlist that I talked about a couple of chapters ago labelled: 'Authors Note: Spotify Playlist.' If ya wanted to check that out for yourself. )
___Time Laps___
"Thank you guys for coming! You've been awesome! Bye!" I waved one last time before blowing a kiss and skipping off stage, practically on cloud nine by the end of my performance.
"That was definitely my favourite show!" Danny, my drummer, sighed happily as we walked through the backstage area until we got to our 'dressing rooms'.
"Yeah, it was really cool seeing everyone." Bonnie, my bassist, nodded along.
After packing up our gear we headed to the two vans that carried our guitars, drum kit, bass, speakers etc. And then drive off to our next destination, Bristol.
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