How Could She?

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New chapter!

So, i wouldve updated alot earlier, but ive been really busy. Ive had alot of drama going on but, its slowly calming down, which it probably will take awhile.

*dances to that waiting music on the phone* My dads trying to fix out portable dvd player, which clarly doesnt want to be fixed.

Anywhore onwards with the chapter.

*_*_*_*_*Andy's POV*_*_*_*_*

******Skipping a week*******

I can finally get back out to my fans, thank god, not that i didnt like being cooped up inside the bus with July. Wait.. who am i kidding i hated being cooped up, it doesnt help with my ADHD. Like, i love being in this bus with July but, i dont even know how to explain this.

"Hey Andy, your next shows tomorrow." I heard CC say from the kitchen, i can get around a little better then i used to be able to, yea, it still hurts. But pain is what makes you stronger after all. Maybe ill become batman and  save the world.

"No you wont Andy." July said while giggling, that confused me.

"I wont what?" I asked eyeing her skeptically.

"You wont become batman and save the world." She said, her eyes lit up when she laughed, it made her look so cute. Wait.. I said that outloud.. Dammit. 

"Ohh, uhh yes i will! Ill become batman and save Gotham city. I mean the entire world.." I chuckled, a slight pain going through my chest, dammit my ribs. Why can you not heal any faster?!

That caused her to laugh even more "Of course you will Andy, of course you will." She giggled and tried calming her laughing, but that just failed miserably, she laughed even more.

"Jesus woman, calm down!" I chuckled and poked her sides, causing her to squeal.

"Nu! bad Andrew! No tasering me! thats a no no!" She said loking at me with a teasing gaze.

"Wait, we are at the next place to perform right?" I asked standing from my spot on the couch. That couch and i have became really good friends sense i can barely leave my place, im pretty sure it even has my butt dent. Heh Butt.

"Yea, we were discussing going out for dinner while you were asleep." Jinxx said, now entring the room. 

"yea thats a good idea, where we gonna eat?" I asked and stretched dealing with the pain which erupted from my rib cage once again.

(A/N im not really sure what kind of food places the states or England has so bare with me.)

"Well as it seems we are in Toronto, July should pick sense she knows this place better then us." CC chirped and laughed.

"Uhh, Well theres a couple good places around her. Like Scores, and East Side Marios." SHe shrugged, and looked up from her phone. She even looked a tad bit tense, i wonder why.

"Ooo Scores sounds good. Can we go there?" Jake asked jumping up and down like a little kid, who wanted candy.

"Yea, yall are all ready, so cmon, ill lead ya there. Im pretty sure i know where its locaed fom here." July smiled again, and stood up beside me, "You ok to go?" She asked me.

I nodded "yea, dont worry about me, worry about those goofs." 

"Alright, tally-ho!" 

"Giddy up!" CC screeched

"Yehaww!"Ash yelled and did a lasso motion with his arm, the ran out of the bus, All of us in tow.

*********At the Restaurant*********

"How many?" A waitress asked, looking more at July then any of us. She must find it weird having Five tall, darkly dressed guys behind a petite girl. 

"Uhh, 6 please." July said

"Booth or table?"

"Booooothhhh!" CC whined poking July in the back of the head multiple times, which caused Ash to smack his hand "your gonna give her a headache you doofus."

"Alright right this way." She said motioning for us to follow, which we all waited until July went. I dont think any of us wanted to trample the poor girl.

Once we were all seated the waitress asked what we all wanted. Most of us said a range of soda, except for Ly, she got water.

"so, Ly why didnt you order soda?" I asked, looking at how the seats were arranged, I was stuck between CC and Ashley, while she had Jake and Jinxx on each side of her.

"I dont exactly fance Soda, I normally have water or energy drinks." She answered looking around at the restaurant as the drinks came.

"I can understand the feeling. I mean, soda isnt good for you so your healthy in that way." I nodded, and looked around at how the booths and tables were arranged, you could easily fit 200 people in here. Ooo they even had a bar.

While i was looking around, Jake and CC mustve been talking, Before i felt a liquid hit my face and my shirt "Gah Dammit CC!" I yelped and glared at him.

"Oh, im sorry Andy..." he looked down guiltily.

"Dude, my good clothes too... Ill be back, Ly, you order em what ever youll order." I said, and got up from my chair, using my coat to hide the spillage.

Once i reached the bus i stripped my jacket, and my shirt, and put them in the bag of dirty clothes i had, and went to my bag. After i pulled out another shirt i slipped it on and took time to check my instagram.

Once i put my phones passcode in, i went straight to instagram. I seen i was mentioned multiple times in comments on one of Juliets photos. I wonder why,

Curiousity got the better of me and i checked, I threw my phone at the window, hearing a audible cracking sound. I looked over to see the shattered screen, the bulletproof window was perfectly fine. But how could she? I loved her and she goes and does this.

I burst into tears and walked to my bunk hiding under my batman blankets.

juliet... cheated.

So, yes Juliet cheated! But, im saying this now, i have nothing against juliet. I actually like her, but its just part of the book, please dont hate me.

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