(Chapter 6)(Gone)

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(Chapter 6)(Gone)

(Lindsey's p.o.v)

Brant was packing everything the two of us owned into suitcases. "BG what are you doing?" I asked.  "We gotta go". He says as Becky walked into his bedroom. "Honey you can't leave!" His mother said tearing up. "It's the only way to protect her momma, she gets accused you'll never see her again; I'm taking her on tour a few weeks early". He says. "Tour, honey you swore you weren't going till she was better". Becky says trying to get us to stay. "Well she's not getting better any time soon; not according to the dumbass doctors anyway". He says going into my bathroom with my suitcase. "Pack it up, babe". He said. I wrapped my hairdryer in its cord and put my tooth brush in its holder. Packed up what little make up I owned. BG grabbed my jewelry and my coat. He was running around like chicken with his head cut off.
I looked at him. I wanted to stop him but I knew he was right.

"Get ya shoes on". He says while on the phone with someone I wasn't sure of. I did as told and also put my hair up.
"Um B, how are we getting to the tour bus, or are we going on a flight..where are we going exactly?" I asked confused. "We're gonna meet Ben in down town Athens. ""He's gonna get us to the tour bus in Charolette NC". He says as he hung up with the person he had called, which I could only assume was his drummer Ben.  He stuck his phone in his pocket.  Bg was putting our luggage onto the bed of his truck. "Got everything ya need?" He asked me while cupping my cheek. "Yeah". I said with a chill. It was getting cold at night, and at 2 in the morning it was defiantly chilly out. Kolby hurried out the door. "Brant, are you sure this is a good idea?" He questioned his older brother. "This is all I can do Kolby; to protect everyone." B says. Kolby walked over to me and then dug around in his pocket. "What are you doing?" I asked. He then put something cold in my hand. Metal, steel, I opened my hand. "A pocket knife?" I asked confused as to why in the he'll he'd give someone with a mental disorder a weapon. "Ya need something to protect yourself; life's unpredictable and so is he". Kolby says looking towards his brother who was strapping everything down to the bed of the truck; While talking to Becky. Who wouldn't let him go for one second. I felt bad.

"Thank you". I say hugging Kolby. "Keep him straight". He says giving me a squeeze. "I'll try but you know that's a challege". I say.

"Come on we gotta get going". Bg says cranking the truck. I nodded and got in the passenger side.

I waved by to them as me and B pulled outta the drive. 
"Buckle up". I say to Brantley.  "Yes dear". He says rolling his eyes but doing what I said.
"Can't they find us B, the cops?" I asked. He sighed.

"Lord I hope not". He says keeping his eyes on the road.

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