i did not

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I did not
Expect you to last,
Four years is quite long.
I did not
Know you'd be 'the guy'.
You looked ordinary,
A gorgeous ordinary.
You taught me
To be a girly girl.
Everytime you're near.
You taught me
To be this corny.
I wrote poems after poems
And it is all for you.
You taught me
To wait even
If we will not happen,
To not rush
For things will happen
At the right place and time.
You taught me
Several special skills,
To fight when
You feel like dying,
To love even
If you're hurting,
To continue to love
Even if
You feel like giving up.
But I did not
Expect you to make me
Question my worth.
Made me feel
I was not enough,
I will never be enough.
I did notice
How you easily
Made a fool out of me
And my feelings.
I did not expect you
To be this ruthless,
That loving you
Will be this painful.
I did not.

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