They waited till the bird smugglers left the building and then they put their plan into action. They released all the birds, but they were all trapped in the house till someone opens the door. While the two bluebirds opened the cage doors, Goldie was looking for Fire. After she found him she tried to wake him up once again. "Fire please wake up. I need your help." Goldie almost broke into tears. She kept talking to him. "Fire." She started crying. "Please wake up."
The two bluebirds came over to her but decided to not let her know.
"Fire." Goldie said. "Please don't let this be the end. Please don't leave." The two bluebirds watched Goldie, saddened by her reaction.
"Goldie is he dead?" Brandon asked coming closer.
Cassie came over to take a look as well.
"Let's take to the vet." She suggested. "Maybe he'll be okay."
They grabbed him and headed to the front door. They waited for it to open, after awhile it opened and all the birds got away. They headed to the vet. Once they got there, after hitching a few rides to get there quicker, they realized that they couldn't get in. But someone saw the birds and brought them inside.
"I found these birds outside." The kind man said. "I think this one is injured."
"Oh my" the lady said. "He must see a vet immediately!"
She called the vet out to take a look at him. And he was rushed in for treatment. They called the bird's owner, but no one picked up. So the lady took the birds and went to find out why they weren't picking up the phone.
When she got to Molly's house she called the police.
After the police got there he gathered everything he need and got the information he needed and left.
"Goldie you're ok!" Breanna said as Goldie flew over to her.
"But what about Fire?
"Fire is at the veterinarian's office." The lady said.
"What about the bluebirds?" Molly asked.
"They are right here." The lady answered.
The bluebirds came over to them and watched as the lady left. After a few days the bird smugglers returned, and they had Fire.
Goldie saw the cage with Fire in it, she was mad.
Cassie left, Brandon watched. After a few minutes Cassie came back.
"Sick em!" Cassie yelled.
All the parrots that they freed days ago, came to help attack the ones who kidnapped them. As they were fighting Goldie and Brandon tried to save Fire. Fire was on the bottom of the cage, still and lifeless. Goldie nearly cried at the sight. With his red wing, stained with blood, it looked like he was murdered.
"Fire!" Goldie yelled as she started crying. Brandon came to her side and comforted her.
"There, there," Brandon said with a comforting tone to his voice. "After we get revenge on the ones who killed him he will be able to rest in peace. If he is dead."
Goldie looked at him. "He never knew how much I loved him."
Brandon looked at her with surprise. "You loved him?"
"Yes "If only he was still alive."
"If only who was still alive?" A scratchy voice asked. They looked at Fire, but it wasn't him.
"Show yourself!" Brandon commanded.
A young budgerigar landed next to them.
"Hi. Why did you free me from my home?" The little
Budgerigar asked.
"That wasn't your real home." Goldie said. "Go see your mother."
After the little budgerigar left Brandon went to join in the fight. After a few minutes the cops came and the bird smugglers ran for the hills, and the cops chased them, and arrested them. The birds were returned to their rightful owners, and Fire was still...dead.
Goldie came over to say goodbye to Fire.
"Oh Fire." Goldie said. "If only you knew how much I love you."

Fire And Goldie (Published)
Science FictionFire loves to make friends, but Goldie is his exact opposite. Fire makes a few friends on his journey to save Goldie. NOTICE: This was the first book I ever wrote so it might not be too good. But my grandparents sure did like it (and they're hard to...