Part 15

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Your head was buzzing as you stormed back to Mal's place. Waiting near the entrance for a couple of seconds, you could hear them talking.

"Uma doesn't get the wand, then Ben is toast, guys." Mal pointed out, sounding irritable.

"Right, so, we're gonna give Uma, of all people, the wand," Jay confirmed ironically, not really serious.

"Do we have another choice?" Mal spat, staring daggers into Jay.

"What? Since when is Uma getting the wand?" You hovered by the doorway, left hand on your hip and leaning against the wall.

"Since her plan to drop Ben in the ocean otherwise," Evie waved her hands and shot an annoyed look at you.

"Wait! You guys!" Carlos suddenly slapped a hand to his forehead and mimed something you couldn't quite interpret. But Mal gasped.

"Your 3D printer!" She clicked her fingers.

"A phony wand?" Jay looked suddenly relieved.

"Yes!" Evie punched the air.

"In my sleep!" Carlos grinned, but you cut in.

"And the second Uma tests it, she'll know it's fake," you raised an eyebrow. You half wanted Uma out of this hell hole, but you did realise that giving her the wand was not the way to do it. Maybe you could persuade Ben to invite her over, and her mates too. Hang on, what were you talking about? You weren't going back there and you doubted Auradon would be everything the pirates wanted.

"Well, okay, so then we just get Ben out really fast. We need some kind of diversion!" Mal spoke quickly, getting more optimistic by the second.

"Smoke bombs!" Jay suggested eagerly, and Evie clapped her hands together. "That's perfect!" She exclaimed. "I'll get the chemicals I need from Lady Tremaine's place. That could work. Oh, and sick hair, by the way! Evil Stepmom seriously stepped up her game," Evie walked over to Mal and ran her fingers through her hair. Mal looked serious but excited as she replied. "Okay, do you want to know something? Dizzy did this," she watched as Evie's expression suddenly changed to one of shock.

"Little Dizzy? Shut. Up!" She gasped, and you shot an unamused look to the boys.

"I know, I'm, like, loving it. It's, like, a lot lighter," Mal continued, bot seeming to notice the boys.

"I'm really proud of her," Evie felt Mal's hair again, but Jay suddenly whistled.

"Hellooo?" Said Carlos, and Mal looked sheepishly at her friend.

"Right. Carlos, Jay, you guys meet us at Pirates Bay no later than noon. And, you guys, losing? Not an option. 'Cause we're rotten..." she waited for the chorus of reply.

"To the core," they all said in unison, and you sighed.

"Ame, we could use your help," Carlos grabbed you arm and pulled you out the door.

"Really? No rest for the wicked, I suppose," you stifled a yawn as Carlos and Jay leapt down to were the limo was. You reached the ground before they did, but only just. Following them to a familiar tunnel, you caught sight of a gleaming black limo stretched out under the moonlight. You were surprised it was still there, knowing the Isle.Carlos yanked open the door and you leapt into the back, allowing the boys to sit in the front.

You took a breath as the engine started, suddenly feeling the reality of the situation.

It's not for long, you reassured yourself. It's not for long...

___________________________Time skip woooooooooooooo________ ____________

Hopping out the car, you inhaled the Auradon air deeply. It felt a lot cleaner. But as you Carlos and Jay hopped up the stairs to the doors, you came face to face with Doug.

"Oh, hey," you said awkwardly. Sugar you realised. I forgot my helmet...

"Uh... who are you?" His eyebrows drew together before he looked towards Jay.

"Erm, long story. Basically, you know that girl with the helmet...?" You winced, not really seeing another option.

Doug's jaw dropped and you shook your head. "Don't tell anyone you saw me like this, okay?" You said threateningly, but Carlos stepped in front of you. "'Sup, Doug?"

"Uhm, not much..." he looked away from you and then at Carlos. "Have any of you seen Evie?"

"Uh..." Carlos faltered, but Jay stepped in. "She went camping," he explained quickly, but Doug looked suspicious.

"Evie, I-want-to-live-in-a-castle sleeping on the ground with no place to plug in a hair dryer?" He had both eyebrows raised in disbelief.

"You know how spontaneous she is, bro," Carlos laughed lightly, hoping to draw Doug's attention away from the suspicion.

"Yeah..." Doug trailed off and Jay patted him on the shoulder, forcing a grin. "Totally. Totally."

"Right..." Doug shook his head as if here were trying to shake off a weird dream, and went off.

"Later, Doug!" Carlos called, earning a light slap on the back of the head from Jay.

"C'mon," he muttered. "Let's get in and get out."

As you entered the school, you felt increasingly self conscious. Carlos noticed your insecurity and hung back, keeping at your pace. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Ah, nothing. Pay no attention," you said worriedly, throwing a glance over your shoulder.

"Amara you're acting like you've just committed a crime, you don't need to be so jumpy." Just then, something fell out of Jay's pocket and clattered onto the stairs. Carlos squealed and you put your hand over his mouth, looking at what it was. You realised it was only the key to their dorm, and you picked it up, showing it to Carlos. He grinned sheepishly, and you giggled. "You're such a hypocrite," you gave him a shove and upped your pace, catching up with Jay and handing the key back.

Carlos ran towards you both as you went down the corridor. Jay slipped the key into the lock, but realised the door was ajar.

"What the..." he muttered, pushing it gently open.

Someone was standing at the 3D printer, and didn't notice as you came in with the boys.

"Are you kidding me?!" Exclaimed Carlos, causing the person to jump.

"Uh, hi... I knocked," he explained, grinning.

Fricking Chad.


Here ya gooooo i know Harry ain't in this chapter but I'm planning to have him in the next one. Idk. I'll see how it goes haha. Anyways, thanks for reading <3 Baiiiiiii

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