Part X

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She was breathing hard, her golden eyes bright and wide with shock as she stared back at him

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She was breathing hard, her golden eyes bright and wide with shock as she stared back at him.

'Forgive me,' she whispered. 'I meant only...' she shook her head and lowered her eyes from his. Submission? Now?

'Oh, please do tell me what you meant female,' he hissed, taking a step toward her.  'Now that you have my attention once more.'

Her head snapped up immediately and when she spoke again it was with that proud tilt to her chin. Her submission was forced and fleeting, as he suspected it might be.

'I ask that you allow me to sleep outside,' her eyes went over his shoulder, where he knew Iaria waited with her eyes down.  'You cannot expect... you cannot mean for me to be here while you... you cannot.' She shook her head again.

'I cannot?' He repeated. 'You dare tell me what I can and cannot do?'

She said nothing.

'You dare question what I expect of you?'

She swallowed. 'I merely request that you permit me sleep outside, my Lord.'  He saw once more the difficulty she had in using the address. He noted also how she spoke as though she had the right to ask. Merely. As though entitled to it.  As though it would be unreasonable for him to deny it.  

'You think the walls of this tent would shield your modest ears, female?'

She stiffened, her eyes flicking up and over Theodan's shoulder. 'Perhaps not, but I still request it of you.' It sounded more like a demand.

'You are in no position to make requests,' he pointed out, the irritation coursing through his veins.

'It's barbaric,' she fired back.

Despite himself, he smirked. Then he considered having her chained and forced to watch as he took Iaria of Asalla. That, he thought, would be barbaric.

He took a step closer to her and lowered his voice. 'I know you are untouched female, but what I intend to do to her, I assure you she will more than enjoy - barbaric or no. Perhaps you might choose to look upon it as a lesson of sorts?' He smiled.

She narrowed her eyes. 'I will do no such thing.'

'You will do as I command.' 

'I will not remain here while you couple with your painted whore!'

'You will hold your insolent tongue!' he roared.

Cassine flinched, as behind him Iaria gasped. He felt her fear then, it blew over him like a soft breeze. Almost as though she knew exactly what she had done. Almost as though she knew exactly what must happen now. 

Iaria was discreet, but if word of defiance like this going unpunished got back to his men, then he would not be able to recover what it lost him.  He could of course order Iaria's silence, but to do so for such a wilful act of insolence would only complicate the matter further.  A show of strength was needed. This female may have defied him in private, he may even have chosen to overlook it in private, but to insult his authority and his chosen female - well that was not an act that could be ignored.

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