Virgo (m) X Pisces (f): Coffee Shop

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Requested by @Piper-ces. Thank you for requesting - I'll try to work on your other request later! I had a lot of fun writing this one!

Virgo didn't even know when she'd started coming to the coffee shop. All he knew was that she was rather pretty, she was probably a year or two younger than him, she seemed very pleasant, she came every Saturday at exactly 8:00 to buy a Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino with extra cream and less ice, she liked to read science fiction, she liked to sit by the window -

Virgo frowned and mentally cut off his train of thought. I don't have time to be thinking about some... girl, he berated himself. He distracted himself by entering the kitchen so he wouldn't have to continue looking at her like some sort of stalker.

Taurus smirked at him as he entered. "Making goo-goo eyes at her again?"

Virgo crossed his arms and glared at him. "No, I wasn't. I thought you knew that I have no time for... that."

Taurus chuckled and brushed her bangs out of her eyes. "Of course," she said playfully. "Anyways, here's the -"

"Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino with extra cream and less ice, I know, I know." Virgo said, sighing. Taurus giggled again. "Aw, look, you even know her favourite drink!"

"Because it's the only thing she orders!" Virgo exclaimed, trying to put force behind his words, but Taurus just laughed again and waved him off. "Alright, alright, just go and deliver the drink."

Virgo picked up the tray and hurried outside before Taurus could say something else again.

As if sensing his presence, the girl looked up as he approached. "Your Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino with extra cream and less ice." He stated, trying to keep a neutral expression.

The girl smiled and put down her book to collect the drink. "Thank you," she said simply. Virgo gave her a quick nod and hurried away.

He ducked back into the kitchen again and put down the tray with a clatter. Taurus was currently engrossed with making another drink, but she smirked at him again as he entered. "So, how did it go?~"

"Nothing happened." Virgo stated, trying to send Taurus a glare.

"Your face is turning red~"

"What?!" Virgo nearly slapped himself in the face from how fast he reached up to feel his cheeks.

"Gotcha." Taurus giggled. "Anyways, why don't you talk to her? At least get her name or something."

"I told you, I don't have time for -" Virgo was interrupted by the door swinging open.

"Are you bugging Virgo again?" Capricorn asked, raising an eyebrow.

Taurus smiled as she added some cream to the drink she was making. "Maybe, maybe not." She said cheerfully.

"She was." Virgo said, frowning at Taurus.

"Come on, Virgo, you should go talk to her!" Taurus repeated, grinning brightly. "She likes science fiction, you like science fiction -"

"We should be working, Taurus." Capricorn crossed his arms. "You can talk to Virgo about this... girl after your shift."


Another week passed. The girl came, ordered the Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino, read her book, and left.

"You should talk to her," Taurus said for the hundredth time after she caught Virgo staring at the girl.

"We've had this talk." Virgo said, but he couldn't help but glance back at where the girl was sitting again.

"Come on! At least say good morning, or ask for her name, or something!" Taurus raised her hands in the air.

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