Emotional - 13

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(Darcy's POV)

Today Dean took me out to a fancy restraunt after training.

How loaded is this guy, with Santana he's always In a leather jacket but around me he's always in a suite since yeterday, apart from training of corse.

"Would you exuse me for a minute?" Dean asked.

He ran out of the room and I decieded to look out sied at the street light lit street below.

What I wasn't excpecting to see was him kissing my sister Santana.

I can't belive Dean lied to me, more importantly I can't belive he's cheeting on Santana with me.

I stood up and walked downstairs towards Santana and Dean.

"You lieing asshole! You lied to me and you cheeted on Santana!" I snap.

I draw out all my strength causing all the street lights to exploed into fleams.

"What the hell is going on!" I snap my head to the sied to see Dean, but he was in a leather jacket and I'm sure Dean was infront of me.

I started throwing fire balls at him but he blocked them all except one that struck him down.

I heared an evil laugh behined me and saw Dean chuckling, what the hell.

"That's great, I thought you'd turn on each other but my twin is just as good if not better." He cackled.

"Who the fuck are you!" I hiss.

"I am Sabashtian, bash for short but you can call me your worst nightmear." He laughed and vanished.

I better take Dean to the hospital, I turn around to see Santana crying on Dean's wound and glowing, like actually glowing.

Suddenly he's heeled, Santana was a heeler not a fighter, no wonder she was only any good with a sword, her powers are emotional not physical.

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