The News

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I got to the hospital to see Cerry awake and being aware of her surroundings.

Me worried about what happened I asked her if she was ok?

She responded with she's feeling a little weak but good then asked what happened...

Then what looked like to be a nurse in the room explained everything..

Cerry you fainted in the cafeteria and no one knows why. We did some tests on you and as soon as the results come in you will be free to leave as long as nothing alarming shows up...

Then she left the room... I never did catch her name..

So at this point me and Cerry are discussing how I'm going to take care of her and how it's probably just the flu....

But then the 3 doctors pull in and give us the news.... it's wasn't the flu it was much worse then the flu...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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