This is specifically for my friend Karu, because she's my friend. The rest of you who AREN't Karu, feel free to read this and take my side, cause you're all my buddies.
KARU I AM DISAPPOINTED IN YOU! Why won't you tell me who you like? Please, I will get down on my knees and start begging if I have to. Tell me who you like. BTW, Sarvina, I'm listening to Carry On My Wayward Son right now. That's off topic, STAY FOCUSED LILLY!
Karu, why won't you tell me? You tell me everything. TELL ME!
That's all I had to say. Karu, I won't leave you alone until you tell me. You should know that already. Anyways, LILLY RICHES, OUT!!!!!!!

RandomThese are the daily conversations I have with my friends. I won't tell you their actual name's/ There will be: Me(Ivy) Karuri Snow(the person who was Snow's character) Elizabeth(the person who was her character) Friend Kat My dog Elizabeth's future...