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final chapter
(might have an epilogue)

final chapter (might have an epilogue)

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"Hey Josh?" Tyler asked as they were laying on the floor with a crap ton of blankets around them with pillows. They were on the living room floor playing a game of go-fish. Sure it might not have been the most romantic way to start a honeymoon, but they relished in the idea of being able to do whatever they wanted.

And right now they wanted to play go-fish.

"Hm?" Josh said looking up from his cards. Tyler couldn't help but smile at his messy red headed husband who was curled up tightly in his blanket burrito.

"Are you nervous?" Tyler asked and Josh tilted his head.

"Bout what?" He asked and Tyler let out a sigh.

"The coronation, it's not far off." Tyler said and Josh mumbled oh as if he was just remembering it.

"Not really Ty, it's kinda boring honestly. I've been too a few and have really tried not falling asleep." Josh said and Tyler put his cards down.

"You becoming king isn't boring, and nobody will be sleeping." Tyler said and Josh knitted his eyebrows together.

"Are you nervous about being crowned king too, babe?" Josh said softly, scooting over to Tyler and looking over at him.

Tyler swallowed, not looking at Josh in the eyes. "Kinda."

"It's okay. You help me cope with my stress let me help you." Josh said crawling out of his blanket and pulling Tyler's apart, cuddling himself comfortably against his husband.

"That does feel better." Tyler smiled as their hands clasped slowly under the blanket, Tyler's head resting on Josh's shoulder.

"Trust me it'll be fine. Remember I'll be there too." Josh said and Tyler smirked.

"How could I forget?" Tyler said and Josh blushed as he kissed his cheek swiftly.

"Why do I have to wear so much jewelry?" Tyler sighed as the maids swam around him, fixing his crown and adorning him with jewels.

"It's just for the ceremony. You look amazing." Josh grinned, sitting on a pearl seat already in his coronation get up. Tyler saw the way the rubies glinted on Josh's red tail, complimenting it nicely. He has turquoise ones scattered across his.

"How many?" Tyler sighed as Josh peeked his head outside of the window. He turned to Tyler and gave a nervous grin. "Oh god."

"Look it's alright just follow my lead and everything will be fine." Josh said flicking his tail and floating over to his love, taking Tyler's hands and kissing them gently.

Tyler inhaled and exhaled slowly before the heard a soft knock at the door. They both turned and saw Bill at the doorway.

"Well it's time. I'm so proud of you both." Bill said and gave Josh a small hug before hugging Tyler.

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